<"2>" To Alexander Gusev at the upcoming elections picked up very weak candidates

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To Alexander Gusev at the upcoming elections picked up very weak candidates
mister's Subordinates Alexander Gusev have worked as


In the Voronezh department "United Russia" Party have decided by

on rivals of the acting the head of the region Alexander Gusev on elections in September. Them became the head Podgorensky District Beresnev Roman, CEO to ANO Resource Center of Support of Non-profit Organizations <11> of the Voronezh region ", the secretary of primary department of Party Chernikov Valery and the head Administration of the municipal district Semiluksk of the Voronezh region Shvyrkov Gennady, transfers the website "United Russia" Party. Will begin primaries in party at the beginning of June, and elections — on <"September.24"> 19

Alexander Gusev though poorly understands policy, but should understand that for the sake of the reputation to go on elections in an environment of such "rivals" is a sign of bad taste and an extra reason for sneers on the sidelines of the power. But, probably, a situation such is that none of mister's subordinates Alexander Gusev for the shown weak approach to search of candidates for "spoilers" of the acting the governor are afraid to get it hot. Yes, it is to Alexey Gordeyev in 2014 have found in the rival vice governor Makin Gennady, the head Ramon district Logvinov Victor and young "eagle", the chairman of the trade-union organization of students of the Voronezh teachers training university Yelizarov Maxime, so to speak, to support its <"status.25"> by

have Now made everything carelessly, and, probably, it is not even a shame. Take, for example — when it drove Shvyrkov Gennady Leninsky rayon, the condition of its territory caused feeling of great concern: garbage, dirt, in the winter — an ice, in the summer — dust. However thanks to the bonds and acquaintances this mister, "promayavshis" on free bread is more than a year, has managed to be given assignment to Semiluki district. And now patrons have nominated him in governors. Let's laugh together?

Serebryakova Alla
Alexander Gusev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Voronezh region)
Alexey Gordeyev
Last position: Vice-chairman (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Beresnev Roman
Chernikov Valery
Shvyrkov Gennady