In Samara delivery of Provincial awards and Provincial grants in the field of culture and art took place

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During 2003 - 2018 the Ministry of Culture organized 15 competitions on award of Provincial awards – more than 200 awards are awarded.
in the Columned hall of the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre took place on May 29 delivery of Provincial awards in the field of culture and art for 2017 and Provincial grants (subsidies) in the field of culture and art for the first half of the year 2018.

on behalf of the head of the region Dmitry Azarov winners were thanked by the acting the Minister of Culture Samara Region Sergei Filippov. Provincial awards and grants in the field of culture and art are awarded by br to Samara Region since 2003. During 2003 - 2018 the Ministry of Culture organized 15 competitions on award of Provincial awards – more than 200 awards are awarded.
Also within implementation of the Law Samara Region No. 1-GD is twice a year carried out by br granting Provincial grants in the field of culture and art. Annually on granting Provincial grants in the field of culture and art means from regional budgets of 3 750 thousand rubles are provided. The size of the Provincial grant makes no more than 250 thousand rubles.
From 2003 – the first half of the year 2018 the Ministry of Culture was organized by br of 29 competitions on award of Provincial grants (subsidies) – more than 290 grants are provided.

the Majority of projects have innovative character and Samara Region and to region advance in scales Russian Federation and abroad are directed on strengthening of intellectual and cultural potential, assistance to sociocultural development.

Winners of Provincial awards for 2017:

1. Buranova Irina — the PRIMAVERA Project. Complex of actions for art esthetically education children with limited opportunities of health".
2. Irina Kondolskaya — Vocational training of musicians in a format of uniform educational innovative space of the province.
3. Lysyuk Nicholas — the Anniversary concert of a municipal wind band "20 years: from heart to heart" (the head Lysyuk Nicholas)"
4. Terentyeva Ludmila — Professional creative, pedagogical achievements and scientific activity Terentyeva Ludmila in the sphere of national and singing art Samara Region.
5. Vera Frolovicheva — Preservation and promoting of song heritage of the municipal area the Volga Samara Region.
6. Gayvoronskaya Tatyana — Creation of author's interpretation of artistic images of heroines in performances of different genres of the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre during 2013-2016.
7. Herman Zagorski — Execution of male leads in premier performances State budget cultural institution "SATD named after M. Gorkogo" in 2015-2016.
8. Moryakin Vladimir — the Impersonation of Holstomer in GBUK performance "History of a Horse" "The Samara academic drama theater of Gorky.
9. Tsvetkov Georgy — Creation of artistic images of characters in the opera performances put on works of the Russian authors in the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre in 2014-2016.
10. Yunin Andrey — theater Creation for children and development children's and youthful theatrical creativity in the city district Novokuybyshevsk Samara Region.
11. Lukashuk Nicholas — the Exhibition project "Image Old Samara".
12. Freydlina Marina — the Cycle of actions "We raise talents. Development the creative potential of young talents in the field of the fine arts.
13. Bortnikova Margaret — the Cycle of actions for preservation and development laces as arts and crafts.
14. Mitrofanov Andrey — Handiworks from a willow rod Mitrofanov Andrey.
15. Samsonova Irina — Innovative technologies in decorative applied art, design and an author's doll.
16. Uchaev Victor — Uchaev Victor.
17. Portnyagin Oleg — Creativity and activity Portnyagin Oleg.
18. Tsvetkova Irina — a Series of the photoprojects aimed at development and advance of photoart to Samara Region (exhibitions, thematic photoshoots, educational master classes, creative meetings).
19. Kanigina Helena — the Organization and holding a regional festival of children's reading "The country of the reading childhood" in 2014-2016.
20. Valentina Tyugashov — the Regional literary and art festival of visually impaired persons.

Winners of Provincial grants in the field of culture and art on the first half of the year 2018

1. Samara city branch Litfond
2. Public organization "Deti Solntsa"
3. Baknina Tatyana
4. Public organization "Samara regional literary company"
6. Public organization "Samarskaya regional organization molodykh literatorov"
7. Lazanchina Anna
8. Interregional non-governmental organization "Samarsky literaturny center Vasiliya Shukshina"
9. Khodosh Boris Romanovich

Sergei Filippov
Last position: Director (State budget cultural institution "SATD named after M. Gorkogo")
Dmitry Azarov
Buranova Irina
Lysyuk Nicholas
Terentyeva Ludmila