Prize-winners of regional "Summer lightning" met chapter Nevinnomyssk

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In administration Nevinnomyssk took place a meeting of team of yunarmeyets of the school No. 8 representing the city at a regional stage of the military and sports game "Summer lightning-2018", with the head - Mikhail Minenkov. The press service of the city hall of the industrial capital reports Stavropol Territory.

For children from the industrial capital Stavropol Territory the final of the regional 44th "Summer lightning" which has passed in Pyatigorsk on the basis of the youth center "Mashuk" came to the end with the 2nd place in an all-team competition. For the last 15 years is the good result for team of "zarnichnik" from Nevinnomyssk. In total 37 teams took part in "Summer lightning", and these are about 400 school students. Children competed in firing from a rifle, swimming, first aid, knowledge of history of the Fatherland, creative competitions and other disciplines. In total more than 10 stages.

to Congratulate yunarmeyets with high prize-winning mestomtakzhe Stavropol Territory in municipal education - Obraztsova Natalia, the first deputy of chapter City administration – Sokolyuk Victoria, the chief of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA – Svetlana Denisyuk came the representative of the Governor.

Also at a meeting there were teachers-mentors of yunarmeyets – Matrosova Vera and Myasnikov Artem and coaches of the team.

this year preparation of team the special attention from outside City administration and personally Mikhail Minenkov was paid to

. For children trainings by all types of the forthcoming competitions were organized, the best teachers are provided, the best conditions for serious preparation for a regional stage are created. The result did not keep itself waiting.

At a meeting with yunarmeyets Mikhail Minenkov offered at once

a format of "a round table" within which the team could discuss openly with it all problems which it was necessary to face at competitions. In detail talked about all stages of game, sorting everyone on strong and weaknesses. Representatives of administration admitted to consideration some changes to the organizations of the municipal stage "Summer lightnings" offered by team and teachers. By the way, it is offered to carry out the first stage of city competitions in November, and to start preparing for competitions it is necessary already today. The mayor is sure: everyday work by all means will lead children to the first place.

"The second place is an excellent result, however still is to what to aspire. To be the first – here your purpose! " – Mikhail Minenkov addressed chapter Nevinnomyssk.

children are full of strength also energy further to go to a victory. Unfortunately, for some of them, it there was the last game and further them student's life and service in the ranks of the Russian army waits:

"Is sorry for me that such attention began to be paid to the Summer lightning just now when I leave. But I am glad for the companions because the potential of our team is far from settled yet. For children there is every chance "to smooth things over" and show everything, on what they are capable. And I wish them good luck! ", - Degtyarev Anton, the graduate of SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 8 told after a meeting Nevinnomyssk.

Should noting that the winner team will present Stavropol Territory at a federal stage of the military and sports game "Summer lightning". So, is to what to aspire and to our children.

In meeting end to team coaches – the tutor of additional educations to Matrosova Vera and to the teacher of history and social science Myasnikov Artem – letters of thanks were handed over to

. Yunarmeytsa in turn presented administrations a memorable photo from the closing ceremony of competitions.

Svetlana Denisyuk
Main activity:Politician
Mikhail Minenkov
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Nevinnomyssk of the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation)
Obraztsova Natalia
Sokolyuk Victoria
Matrosova Vera
City administration
Government Agency