Sports contest of youth of Siberia on boxing: there are four gold! Video - comments of participants, fragments of fights

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Athletes Irkutsk Region won ten medals on superiority Siberian Federal District on boxing (at the II stage IV of a summer Sports contest of youth Russian Federation on boxing). In competitions which took place from May 15 to May 19 in Trud Sports palace in Irkutsk, 80 boxers of 19-22 years from 11 Siberian regions took part.


we Will tell

a sport. Yes, different single combats, like MMA, now promptly draw on the party of people and resources. But there is a lot of and those who is sincerely devoted to it bright, to a beautiful sport – classical boxing. You should not forget and that this look – Olympic. Here only to the Olympic prospects while in Irkutsk nobody holds out. In 1996 Irkutsk at the Games in Atlanta was represented by Pakeev Albert, it won bronze. And in 2000 Mishin Andrey became participants of the Olympic Games in Sydney, but awards did not bring. And the last years adult boxers from Irkutsk Region do not shine at the international level. However, despite all problems, in recent years boxing to Irkutsk Region gradually "goes uphill", Yury Abatulin, the senior trainer tells the combined Irkutsk Region on boxing:

- Now went gradually progress. Recently Vasily Zveryan became the prize-winner of the championship Russian Federation, a month ago Shevchuk Denise won the Cup Russian Federation. Yes, about boxing write a little, speak very little. And this event which we held in Sports palace, became very useful in respect of promotion of boxing is time. And the second: The sports contest of youth of Siberia is very serious action in political sense. For us it there was a serious problem – to hold tournament in level. But to us it entrusted as experience is, one and a half years ago we with success carried out superiority Russian Federation. And our Sports palace – a suitable hall. We save up experience, we earn trust.

Following the results of tournament the team Irkutsk Region received four gold medals.

- We approximately and planned, – Yury Abatulin speaks, - here only it is a pity that because of a trauma could not finish fight, ours descended in the final Shevchuk Denise. We counted on it …

the Finals took place in Saturday, May 19. In a hall – there are a lot of audience that pleases: boxing in Irkutsk after all love. Is present at a hall and the guest of honor of tournament – the world champion Gogolev Andrey who the day before with a great success carried out in Irkutsk a master class for all comers. For some days he managed to visit some sporting events in Irkutsk and stayed lost in admiration:

- I in Irkutsk already the sixth time and any more am not surprised to it. It is necessary to recognize that Irkutsk – the most real city of sports, from where I was. And at you both the mayor, and the governor are positive to boxing and in general to single combats, help to develop. In the city pass sports events, the people train, compete – here to you an indicator! What power – such and the city, such and area.

the Sports contest of youth of Siberia, for participants of 19-22 years, took place in parallel with superiority Siberian Federal District – two tournaments in one. The first of inhabitants of Irkutsk the girl rose by the highest step of a pedestal – 20-year-old Shvalova Victoria, weight category of 75 kg. She won against Tamara Otyrgasheva from Krasnoyarsk Territory. Shvalova Victoria are engaged in boxing four years at Arkady Kazyuki, and before went to music school.

- I always dreamed of sports, - tells Shvalova Victoria, - the brother at me was engaged in boxing, I wanted to be similar to it. But mother did not release! Said that fights is for boys. But when I was seventeen years old, I told that I will be engaged after all in boxing. And mother agreed.

In the final the public supported the girl very completely, but that not bad consulted also. According to her, the first battle of tournament was given by it hard, mainly emotionally, and here final – it is already much easier:

- I listened to the trainer, attentively listened to his tasks, and it was not difficult to me.

In weight category of 56 kg the champion became Yarulin Sergei. Yarulin Sergei initially was engaged in boxing to Cheremkhovo, but, having arrived in GUOR, passed to the Irkutsk trainer Strelnikov Roman. Yarulin Sergei already was the winner of the adult championship Siberian Federal District. On tournament in Irkutsk the most difficult duel for it became semifinal, the athlete remembers:

- the Rival constantly pressed me as the tank, I left him, tried to hold it at a distance, but to me it was difficult. Then I started working with its methods, to use the force, did not allow it to press. And at the expense of it I won.

A here Yarulin Sergei won the final where it was resisted by Ruslan Bongak from Barnaul, surely. Though the hall desperately demanded to beat more and more, but advantage of the Irkutsk fighter soon already became obvious.

In weight to 64 kg public also waited for a victory – our ascending asterisk, the resident of Angarsk Shevchuk Denise, leaves against Kataev Igor from Novosibirsk. But … what has happened? Fight only was started, as right there – a pause. Doctors examine the resident of Angarsk. Also render a verdict: in their opinion, it cannot continue fight. Unsuccessfully passed blow in a jaw cost to the fighter of the first place. we wait for

A the following weight – 69 kg where Davydov Vladimir from Irkutsk against Balandin Kirill from Ulan-Ude acts. And here too intrigues it did not turn out: Davydov Vladimir quite surely kept the rival at arm's length, from time to time successfully rushing to attack.

When declared it the winner, he so emotionally rejoiced! Threw up hands, and then took leave with a hall! Davydov Vladimir – the skilled fighter, in 2017 it executed the standard of the master of sports. He told:

- the Most difficult for me on this tournament was the first fight. In the first fight it is always difficult: while you will be warmed, you will find "track", the rhythm, speed … And the rival is strong that he equally well boxed both in left, and in right racks. But I won – due to will, character, and also due to the experience. The final duel was difficult that this emotional pressure – the atmosphere fighting, in a hall is a lot of public. Well, and I demand from myself to the maximum.

One more winner – in the following weight category, 75 kg. Here one more hope of Irkutsk trainers – Shapochansky Yegor acts. And it too did not bring, having won the final surely. And here one more fighter, the heavyweight Kaverin Timofey from Irkutsk, could not win against the rival from Altai Territory – Uzunyan Vladimir became the champion, the inhabitant of Irkutsk became the second. So, except for an annoying trauma Shevchuk Denise, all planned victories are!

I all four winners from Irkutsk Region will be a part of a national team for participation in a final stage of competitions in boxing of the IV summer Sports contest of youth Russian Federation. At first they will act in the championship Siberian Federal District in June in Krasnoyarsk. And the All-Russian Sports contest of youth will take place in July, 2018 in Ramenskoye (Moscow Region).