The match of legends of FIFA and legends will pass combined Russian Federation

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the Park of soccer of 2018 FIFA World Cup will settle down on June 2 and 3 on Victory Square. Two days guests will be the world champion of FIFA 1994 and 2002, the ex-defender combined Brazil on Cafu's soccer, and also the former halfback combined Nigeria Okocha Dzhey Dzhey.

On Sunday, June 3, in Park of soccer the match of legends of FIFA and legends combined Russian Federation will take place.

the team of legends of FIFA included the ex-goalkeeper combined Switzerland Pascal Zuberbühler, the ex-defender combined England Brown Wes, Cafu, the former halfback combined Croatia Kranchar Niko, Okocha Dzhey Dzhey, the ex-forward of the national team Portugal Gomesh Nunu. Star guests will arrive to Kaliningrad not casually: the national teams Switzerland, Croatia, and Nigeria will play England.


the National team of legends Russian Federation will be presented by ex-players of a national team: golkpiper Nigmatullin Ruslan, the defender Sennikov Dimitri, halfbacks Mostovoy Alexander, Aleksey Smertin and Tikhonov Andrey, the attacking Panov Alexander.

After a match of legends in Park the match of bloggers in which the national team Brazil will meet a Russian team will take place.

Accreditation of mass media in Park is open for

for work through system of accreditation Independent noncommercial organization "Organizing committee"Russia-2018": / .

Guests of Park will be able to be welcomed and photographed by

with a wolf of Zabivakoy™, an official mascot of the World Cup. Everyone will have an opportunity to specify the schedule of matches in any city organizer and tournament as a whole, and also to learn how to get on the Festival of fans of FIFA and to get tickets for matches on a site of

the Entrance to soccer and entertainment Park in it will be free.

the Park of soccer of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Kaliningrad works with

on June 2 and 3 from 12:00 till 20:00.