And even dog Jack. To Grodno on a place of shootings of "White Dews" there were sculptures of the main characters of the movie

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From that part of the village of Devyatovk where shot the cult Soviet movie "White Dews" 35 years ago, remained only one house. And that will take down soon. Walls yes a half-ruined roof escaped only. "Here so in one day will raze to the ground housing where at someone there passed all life" — the woman who came to look at wooden figures of heroes of the movie sighs. Them put on that place where passed shootings.

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

In fact, Devyatovk's village, which name now carries the residential district of the same name, repeated destiny of cine White Dews: on a place of old wooden houses high-rise buildings grew. And villagers as in the movie, received city apartments with conveniences. The first houses here started sorting in 2013 when began to construct the multiband road. In some years under demolition got and the others . The last dwelling will demolish the other day.

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

— the Village always grudges for

the old stayed at home. And those, look, half the empty. In - about - it there a wooden hut. Windows are driven in. To whom is this house necessary? To anybody. Eh … But new big houses will construct — the grodnenka which came to look at a new sculpture whether is sorry about village demolition, whether rejoices to construction of high-rise buildings. She for half-minute becomes silent, and then, smiling, starts pouring quotes from the movie. — Remember? "The fool, come, give the apartment in the city with conveniences, I will be bent, to you remains, the father". Or here: "Everything is all right boys, business will burn out, I feel".

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

Having stood some more minutes about Fedos's wooden and Timofey's , the woman leaves. However the human track here obviously does not grow. On the hillock overgrown with a high grass where there are fallen in love national heroes, people constantly come.


here look very organically. And this high grass, and a well (just the same as in the movie), and the remains of a rural apple-tree garden, apparently, help to feel that cine atmosphere. And, probably, to reflect on those suburban villages which inevitably become part of the city.

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

the Movie "White Dews" removed in 1983 to Grodno. Set became not only Devyatovk's village, but also the central old small streets of the city.

— I remember how cinema-men worked. Then in the city about shootings spoke much, but I did not happen to participate in them. We lived then on Stroiteley Avenue, and there too shot some scenes of the movie. I caught a glimpse of actors. And here who lived here, those had opportunity, of course, to communicate to actors — grodnenets Borisovich Vitaly speaks.

known Soviet actors Sanaev Vsevolod , Nicholas Petrovich Karachentsov , Novikov Boris , Polskikh Galina , Khorokhorina Natalia .

On a plot, inhabitants of the village White Dews receive warrants on apartments in a high-rise building in the city which gradually absorbs the village. The main character Fedos, his family and neighbors should learn to live in a city way. The movie became very popular among the Soviet audience. The Soviet Screen magazine popular in those years, having conducted survey, recognized "White Dews" as the best comedy of year. In 1983 the picture Dobrolyubov Igor collected in hire 36,1 million audience .

of the Statement of the main characters very quickly "took away" on quotes.


A few years ago on a place of shootings delivered a well model, and also the plate with the photo of one of movie scenes. Recently about a stop public transports there was an information stand. In honor of the movie to Grodno one of streets is called.

Already presently on "Belarusfilm" removed the second part of this picture — "White Dews. Return". But she could not repeat success of the first part.

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

— By the way, today "White Dews" showed on the TV — the inhabitant tells the residential district Olga — and here we go — we see there are figures any. Here after all coincidence.

the Woman seats small Ksenia on a wooden dog. It is necessary to be photographed against new sight. The baby with interest examines figures. She, of course, did not watch the movie, but parents already several times revised it, with interest examining as the city looked earlier.

Photo: Katerina Gordeyeva, TUT.BY

Wooden sculptures as if separate the former village which will forever disappear soon, from the big city. And Timofey, Fedos and the Jack already will not leave anywhere, will not move. Because from now on here their house in which they also remain — and on the tourist map of the city there was one more sight .

Catherina Gordeev
Last position: Journalist, TV host
Galina Polskikh
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Borisovich Vitaly