The Federal Registration Service management Federal Registration Service took part in the second professional conference of realtors of Republic of Karelia

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representatives of Management of Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Republic of Karelia took part on May 24 in professional conference of realtors of Republic of Karelia.

the Chief of the department Kondratyev A. M. paid attention to importance of interaction of Management of Department of federal service for state registration, Inventory and cartography on Republic of Karelia and professional participants of the market of real estate – cadastral engineers, builders, notaries, banks, realtors - for the purpose of improvement of quality of preparation of documents in the sphere of a turn of real estate. It is noted that one of the priority directions is rendering state services Federal Registration Service in electronic form. Electronic services have such indisputable advantages, as: economy of time and financial expenditure of applicants, convenience of providing the documents, the reduced term of consideration of statements.

Within action by representatives of Management took also up the topical issues connected with the state registration of the rights for real estate and innovations in the legislation.


Following the results of performance it was noted that active cooperation of government institutions and professional participants of the market of real estate is directed on decrease in administrative barriers, reduction of terms of providing state services, improvement of quality of preparation of documents concerning real estate objects, and also promoting of electronic services.

Holding of conferences of similar level, discussion of problem questions promotes increase of efficiency of interaction of government bodies and professional participants of the market of real estate, providing optimization of activity of various structures.