Public organization "Delovaya Russia" carried out in Belgorod Business conference on government purchases

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on May 24 within the XIV Business forum "Small and medium business Belgorod Region" the Belgorod regional office Public organization "Delovaya Russia" held conference "Participation regional businesses in purchases infrastructure monopolies and companies with the state participation.

representatives took part In work of conference regional businesses, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, public organizations, Department of finance and budget policy of Region, fund of support of small and average businesses (MSP), guests from Moscow.


the Moderator of conference the member of coordination council Public organization "Delovaya Russia", the chairman of committee on development state-private partnership and interactions businesses and the state companies Fakhretdinov Sergei acted. He told that together with Public organization "Delovaya Russia" is developed and since 2013 "road map" on access of small and medium business to purchases is carried out. The full infrastructure for realization of this direction is during this time created, quotas are entered: since 2018 already 15% of direct purchases have to be given MSP, and as a whole – 25% of orders of state company are obliged to place for small and medium business. Partnership programs are created. Since July, 2018 over all country there will be about five main platforms for carrying out purchases.

Fakhretdinov Sergei sees an important role Public organization "Delovaya Russia", including regional offices, in this process.

I consider

Ya that business to Russian Federation is not Moscow, not Saint Petersburg. We live our huge country, and in our country there are a lot of talented, interesting businessmen who really do good serious work. Public organization "Delovaya Russia" is a real business, it is real sector, these are people who create something the hands, grow, develop and make a contribution to economic development our country. The Belgorod office works very actively, business actively joined. And we hope that the Belgorod office will be one of initiative, important links in our big organization. Fakhretdinov Sergei

V the new May decree of the president development MSP entered a priority. By words Fakhretdinov Sergei, changes will be noticeable in two-three months and now businessmen need to take an active position, to put forward the offers.

the Co-chairman of the Belgorod regional office Public organization "Delovaya Russia" Shopin Sergei suggested to create on the basis of office a platform for dialogue about problems of MSP, including access to government purchases.

In one and a half years of the activity to Belgorod Region we understood

, it is how important to provide interaction of business community and the regional power. Work with colleagues, allows to study communication with our neighbors experience and the advanced practicians, to adopt and process them. Is that to learn not only at colleagues from Moscow, but also at our neighbors. Shopin Sergei

He invited businessmen to the seventh economic forum in Kursk. Last year it was visited by 16 Belgorod businessmen and agreed to solve problems of different complexity together with neighbors. The preliminary agreement with the management Public organization "Delovaya Russia" is reached upon carrying out in Belgorod in the fall of 2018 of business mission. It is such business format when to the region there come businessmen about only Russian Federation, get acquainted with region opportunities, hold meetings with heads of area, businessmen, and consider for itself possibilities of partnership and investments in given regione.

Generalny the director Belgorod city TPP Gerasimenko Vladimir one of problems in a question of participation regional businesses in purchases monopolies and companies with state participation called weak knowledge of businessmen. It also cited as an example investment programs Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" which makes 100 billion rubles.

Ten percent – ten billions. I understand, all ten billions to Belgorod are not necessary. But it is possible to receive orders for one and a half billion, and it is real work. That is, resources are, money is. Vladimir Gerasimenko

" and JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SMALL FAMILY ENTERPRISE BANK" told Gerasimenko Vladimir, the consultant of management of an assessment and monitorings compliances of corporation, and Strukov Maxime, the area manager of department of credit and guarantee support banks.

the Executive director the microfinance companies "MFK BOFPMSP" Oleg Kolesnikov noted that the limit according to "the Program of 6,5%" "Corporations of MSP" was chosen in three days. It is allocated with 4,5 billion rubles for 15 banks.

thus we only to Belgorod Region could "digest" billion three-four freely. The unprecedented moments when the state practically forces to make purchases at subjects of MSP, it is very good. It is good that tools are. But when there are problems. Oleg Kolesnikov

Oleg Kolesnikov cited as an example the small company, rendering service on professional survey of staff of big state company. "As a result does in March – receives money in November. Six-seven months the small company credits the huge monster".

Turns out, businessmen know about purchases, but still it is not enough really working instruments of support. Sergey Fakhretdinov noted that, under the law, contract has to be paid in a month, and you should not be afraid to address with complaints on non-compliance with conditions.


Ya it is sure, will pass two-three years, and everything will be in electronic data. Prepare for it and from the point of view of productions own, and from the point of view of transparency of own companies. Because we know that small and medium business, especially small, not always works in transparent conditions. It is necessary to be effective and competitive. And if today 1,9 trillion left two trillion market "", in these two-three years money will come to the market. Fakhretdinov Sergei

state orders told finance departments to participants of conference About work in government purchases and licensing the head of department and the budgetary policy of the region Bondarev Igor, representatives of companies – Macroregional branch "Centre" of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM", Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi", engaged legal aid to businessmen of LLC LEGAL COMPANY "MARK LABEON". Speakers and answered questions of businessmen.

as a result participants of a meeting agreed to collect all offers and to transfer them for work in Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Public organization "Delovaya Russia", authorities. Public organization "Delovaya Russia" suggested to create on the base constantly operating platform for discussion and the solution of problems of small and medium business in the sphere of participation in government purchases.

Igor Ivanovich Bondarev
Last position: Chief (Administration of Government Order and Licensing of the Belgorod region)
Fakhretdinov Sergei
Shopin Sergei
Gerasimenko Vladimir
Pakulov Sergei
Main activity:Wholesale trade
Main activity:Finance
PJSC Rostelecom
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services