The authorities intend to adjust ferry communication between Sakhalin Region and Prefecture of Hokkaido

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the governor reported Sakhalin Region information agency "ITAR-TASS" on fields of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum Oleg Kozhemyako.
the Relevant decision was made by br because the Sakhalin party in necessary time did not manage to prepare all necessary financial documentation.

"Ferry communication between Sakhalin Region and Prefecture of Hokkaido will be. It is a technical problem. Everything is reparable without problems. We cannot in cross year Japan to Russian Federation and to Japan to allow Russian Federation
Kompaniya-operator" Prefecture of Hokkaido Sakhalin Region Lyne" which is the only operator on this direction, on Friday declared that this year will not carry out ferry communication between Korsakov and Japanese port Vakkanayem.
Sakhalin Region

It explained that as a whole channelized unprofitable, the authorities Sakhalin Region subsidize it. "Visa-free exchanges between Sakhalin Region and Prefecture of Hokkaido could become one of ways of loading of this flight. They would allow inhabitants and guests Sakhalin Region to get on the ship, to make sea walk, to visit Wakkanai, to look at Japan and to return back", - told to Oleg Kozhemyako.

According to him, a question of the organization of visa-free messages between Sakhalin Region and Prefecture of Hokkaido he plans to discuss on Friday at a meeting with the governor Prefecture of Hokkaido Harumi Takakhasi." We should work it is necessary in this direction. Normative documents which will improve both investment climate, and tourist appeal of our region and Prefecture of Hokkaido" are necessary, - declared chapter Sakhalin Region.