Commodity turnover between Russian Federation and Egypt in the I quarter 2018 for 75%
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Commodity turnover between Russia and Egypt in the I quarter 2018 for 75%

Meeting took place on May 23 in Moscow under the chairmanship of the minister of the industry and trades Russian Federation Denis Manturov and the minister trades and the industries Egypt Kabil Tarik.
the Parties expressed to br unanimous opinion that the Russian-Egyptian trade and economic, industrial and investment communications have high potential, and now there are favorable conditions for its full-scale realization. Commodity turnover growth between Russian Federation and Egypt which increased in 2017 by 62% (to 6,7 billion US dollars), and in the first quarter 2018 for 75% (in comparison with the similar period of 2017) is noted.

during meeting the speech also went about deliveries of agricultural production, railway mechanical engineering, including according to the delivery project for the Egyptian national iron roads 1300 cars on the line JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TRANSMASHKHOLDING", the aviation industry, reconstruction and modernization of objects for storage and grain processing in Egypt, modernizations of Heluansky iron and steel works.
In the performance Denis Manturov noted br: "Between our countries never was vacuum of communication and mutual understanding. In the most difficult situations and courageous undertakings Russian Federation always was near Egypt and felt its mutual support. If to speak about the industry, till 1972 our country constructed in Egypt 197 enterprises. Such successful projects, as the Aswan hydropower complex, aluminum plant in Nag-Hammadi, the Alexandria shipyard, Heluansky iron and steel works and many others are widely known. More we created only in China, and other such large examples are not present. Today there is a subject opportunity for return to former dynamics of cooperation".
Telling about joint industrial cooperation, the head of the Egyptian delegation noted commodity turnover growth between Russian Federation and Egypt. "We will try to increase commodity turnover and we call the Russian and Egyptian business to work in common that will allow to enter the export markets of the third countries. Egypt also hopes for cooperation expansion in the scientific and technical sphere", - Kabil Tarik emphasized.
