"It is a shame! " The specific stalinka Nizhny Novgorod will welcome guests of 2018 FIFA World Cup a bare and dangerous facade

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the House No. 2 on the square of Gorky (that in which on the first floor McDonald's) will welcome guests of 2018 FIFA World Cup the peeled and dangerous facade. It were going to repair to the FIFA World Cup, but it became now clear that it does not happen. Repair is postponed until 2035! Residents are indignant and write letters to the mayor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov.

The house peeled off long ago, but it is not so much ugly, how many it is dangerous
the House peeled off long ago, but it is not so much ugly, how many it is dangerous

Residents of one of the most specific buildings of the city stay shocked — their house excluded from the program for repair facades to 2018 FIFA World Cup. Though when the acting as chapter Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov told City administration it will repair in the spring of 2018, considering that it is an architecture monument.

— We very much waited that to us will repair a facade, after all it looks not simply ugly, but also is really dangerous — pieces of plaster, bricks, drop out constantly, and hundreds people here go! Let's wait really while to someone on the head will fall? — the inhabitant of the house is perplexed. — All foreigners who will arrive to our city will see the bare house. Shame! It is the downtown, opposite an exit from the subway, nearby Pokrovka on which they will walk, below fast food in which will have dinner... The area of Gorky — this person of the city. The house — object of a cultural heritage, decoration Nizhny Novgorod.

Kogda residents learned that repairs will not be, they wrote the letter to chapter Nizhny Novgorod to Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov and collected signatures under the address. Residents of Nizhny Novgorod ask at the expense of budgets to put a specific stalinka which did not repair since 1958 in order.

Edition of local portal "NN.RU" transferred to

the appeal to the city hall and received the answer from department of housing and engineering infrastructure of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod. Officials report that "the house is excluded from the poadresny list approved by the acting as the governor, the vice-chairman of Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region by Alexander Aleksandrovich Bayer, for a cause of failure of contract organizations from performance of repair work because this house which is object of a cultural heritage, settles down in a brisk public place and for so short time has large volume of performed works".

According to the program of capital repairs repair a facade has to be carried out by

in 2035-2037. That is at least in 17 years!

That to residents before this term in department two options (at own expense) suggest to repair a facade:

— According to the resolution of Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region to establish to br need of carrying out capital repairs the commission created by NPO "The Nizhny Novgorod fund of repair apartment houses" has to. It accepts it by data monitorings technical condition of an apartment house which is carried out by State Housing Inspectorate of the Nizhny Novgorod region (according to the resolution of Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region of 15.03.2016 No. 134). That is residents need to address "The Nizhny Novgorod fund of repair apartment houses" with a request to carry out the commission to NPO.

— In the second option owners make the decision on need of overhaul if on it there are enough means on the account at the regional operator. If money does not suffice, residents or establish additional contributions to capital repairs, or ask the regional operator to carry out overhaul at advance payment, and then refund expenses at the expense of additional contributions.


in the Fall of 2017 of local portal "NN.RU" wrote that 170 apartment houses and 23 office buildings will repair in the spring of 2018 , to the World Cup, in Nizhny Novgorod. Funds for it were reserved in the regional budget.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov
Last position: The special representative concerning development of the Arctic (State corporation "Rosatom")
Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov
Main activity:Politician
Alexander Aleksandrovich Bayer
Last position: The acting as the First Deputy Governor on development of infrastructure, housing and public utilities and power (Administration of the Vladimir region)