Petropavlovsky rayon are taken by Prosecutor's office measures for the prevention of distribution of tuberculosis

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Prosecutor's office Petropavlovsky rayon in March – April, 2018 is organized by

check of observance of the legislation on the prevention of distribution of tuberculosis to Russian Federation.

According to ch.4 Art. 8 of the Federal law Federal law of the Russian Federation of 18 June 2001 No. 77-FZ "On Prevention of Dissemination of Tuberculosis in the Russian Federation" for identification of tuberculosis are periodically performed by

routine medical inspections of citizens, the order and which terms of carrying out are established by the representative Government of the Russian Federation federal executive authority.

the Order of Ministry of Health of Russia of 21.03.2017 No. 124n is approved by

the Order and terms of carrying out routine medical examinations of citizens for tuberculosis identification.

In particular, the faces consisting on dispensary supervision (including preventive supervision) 2 times a year have to pass routine medical examinations in the narcological and psychiatric specialized medical organizations for tuberculosis identification.


it is established by the Carried-out inspection of 10 citizens living in the territory Petropavlovsky rayon who evade from passing of periodic routine medical examination obligatory for them regarding existence of symptoms of tuberculosis that creates threat of infection of tuberculosis for the people around which circle of people is not limited.


On this fact prosecutor's office the area in March-April of the current year in Petropavlovskoe district district court Altai territory showed 10 administrative statements of claim about duty assignment on the above citizens are stopped passing routine medical examination regarding existence of symptoms of a disease by tuberculosis (productions on all administrative affairs in connection with voluntary satisfaction respondents of requirements of administrative claims).

Deputy prosecutor of the area Timofeev Artem