The firm Mountain will demolish a kindergarten No. 248 and will finance the new

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2018 05 21 13 10 01

LLC "RegionInvest52", Oleg Sorokin — Hellas Mountain for the sake of construction of ZhK will be born by a kindergarten No. 248. In municipal administration of Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru" reported that firm undertook to finance building of new establishment. According to the deputy of municipal duma Lazareva Eugenia, can suffer from similar "castlings" budget the cities.

at the end of 2011 of "Regioninvest52" were got from auctions by a site in borders of streets of Gorky — New — Ilyinskaya for 84,3 million rubles. Its area — 2,1 hectares. "RegionInvest52" — "daughter" holdings the "Capital Nizhny", under control Mountain. The transaction carried out within the resolution on development the built-up territory. The document was published by Administration of Nizhny Novgorod. The list was attached to it from 13 taken-down objects.

C of 2013 on a site were demolished by some ancient mansions, despite protests of gradozashchitnik. At the end of April, 2018 the activist Myaskovsky Ilya reported on the to Social network Facebook about house No. 112 demolition on Ilyinskaya St. This building of the 19th eyelid of construction, part of a city farmstead complex. The house belonged to the merchant wife to Karamzina Marya .

Foto: Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru"

According to data from the material published in one of editions of holding "Capital Nizhny", in 2018 the construction company plans implementation of the Symphony of Nizhny project. The elite housing estate will take place in a quarter on crossing of streets of Gorky and Ilyinskaya. according to the cadastral card, a site it is possible to use under construction of a 7-9-storeyed house with it is built-in - the attached rooms of public appointment and underground parking. "RegionInvest52" received the construction license in quarters of three streets in December, 2015. In 2017 the validity of the document extended till April 23, 2019.

the kindergarten No. 248 (Ilyinskaya St., 118) is

Now in a triangle of streets. At the beginning of May in municipal administration of Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru" reported that will not keep establishment. It is planned that new kindergarten to 280 places will build in the adjacent territory on Maslyakov St. According to department of construction Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, within the agreement of intent "Regioninvest52" undertook to prepare at own expense design and budget documentation on a new kindergarten and in full to finance construction.

"Because design and budget documentation on the kindergarten construction, received all necessary decisions and coordination, so far for further realization is not transferred to Administration of Nizhny Novgorod in Administration of Nizhny Novgorod.

the card file of Spark of information agency "Interfaks" contains data on the domain . Following the link, the user can study documents to the Regioninvest52 project and building photos. Judging by them, the equipment while carries out works bypassing a standing kindergarten. This fact is confirmed by the design declaration of October, 2016. In it only one site which is not affecting establishment is specified. It agrees to the resolution about the approval of the site planning and a territory land surveying in borders of a triangle of streets No. 1539, a site under a kindergarten will build up within the third ocheredi.

Po to data from the report on activity of local governments, in 2017 in Nizhny Novgorod 5,5% of children under 6 years stood on the account for definition in municipal kindergartens. In 2016 this figure was lower — 4,22%. Following the results of 2017 the share of children in aged from 1 till 6 years receiving preschool educational service in municipal authorities in total number of such persons made 80,07%. Coverage of children at the age of 1-7 years preschool education rather high. It made 87% in 2017. However in 2016 the indicator was estimated at 88%. of All in the city territory the general education program of preschool educations are realized by 331 organizations. Among them — 309 municipal kindergartens, 9 family kindergartens, 10 private organizations, one departmental establishment from IPFRANA. The number of kindergartners annually grows. If in 2016 in such establishments 71,73 thousand children, in 2017 — already 73,04 thousand children were engaged.

City authorities predict

that in 2018 the turn in kindergartens will start being reduced. By 2020 it can make 4,46%. Creation of new places in the general education organizations Nizhny Novgorod Region according to predicted requirement and modern conditions of training, for 2016 — 2025" agrees to the state program ", in Nizhny 32 objects on 21 975 places have to appear Novogorode . These are 18 new schools and 14 annexes to existing buildings. Sources — city, regional and federal budgets.

according to the deputy of municipal duma Nizhny Novgorod Lazareva Eugenia , "any normal official will not allow" to demolish kindergarten. "If it is honest, for the first time from lips of officials I about it heard on May 15 on the commission of a thought on development the cities. Artem Karazanov told Karazanov Artem [the deputy director of department of construction of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod]" — he reported in conversation with Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru".

Lazarev reported that up to this point the ex-first deputy head of municipal administration Nizhny Novgorod Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov , neither his predecessors "nor told words about it". "They told that the municipal and private partnership will be possible any alternative, probably. It everything was a pitchfork on water: dreams, plans, but anything concrete. As far as I understand, the reality is not present and now" — he told. the Deputy considers that the building and a site under it cost considerable money. "All these castlings badly smell. The municipal treasury will suffer and budget the cities" — he noted.

the Leader of the movement "Spasgrad" Davydova Anna considers that the new administration can revise all planning decisions on a scandalous triangle of streets. "I do not think that the new administration will go for kindergarten demolition. It is important object for city life. I do not think that such scandals" are necessary to new administration — she told the correspondent of Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru".

by words Davydova Anna, the builder promised to construct new kindergarten at a tandem Oleg Sorokin - Kondrashov. "Then Oleg Sorokin made everything that changes were made to the general plan, and this zone was transferred to a zone of a housing estate. I remember perfectly these public hearings. Then still there was a scandal with Pecherkina Lydia which picketed the city hall, and because of same went to a lock-up at 6 o'clock. It was in the summer of 2013. And yes, now the multystoried housing estate" there is legalized — she told.


Pecherkina Lydia Pecherkina Lydia repaired the building and achieved removal of the status from it the shabby house. It planned to keep the dwelling to descendants. According to the plan developments territories, the building gave for demolition. Pecherkina Lydia did not want to leave the house. In March, 2013 gradozashchitnik came for picket against building of a triangle of streets and destruction of historical buildings. During action Pecherkina Lydia detained and delivered in police department. She tried to admit this fact illegal through court. In August of the same year the elderly woman died in own house.

according to Davydova Anna, now a situation in Nizhny Novgorod "cardinally changed". "It is necessary to proceed from expediency of life of the city. To demolish socially significant object – kindergarten, and nearby another is not present. I think, it would be wrong to be made new administration. It is necessary to take out on level Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov [the mayor Nizhny Novgorod Vladimir Aleksandrovich Panov — a comment of Nizhny Novgorod information company "Nyus-NN. ru"] this subject. It is necessary to find the compromise solution. And so in general, start up the builder at first the obligations fulfills — builds a new kindergarten, and then takes down old" — told ona.