Business after crash: "Saratov Airlines" tries to keep company in the market

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"Saratov Airlines" which has declared on May 17 a stop since May 31, decided not to stop work. The carrier resumed sales of air tickets on in-Russian flights, reduced a half of foreign charters by summer, counting that by the end of May Federal Air Transport Agency will resume action of its certificate of the operator. As wrote RIA56, on February 11 the plane of "Saratov Airlines" flying from Moscow to Orsk to Orenburg Region, was wrecked in Moscow Region. The liner crashed in 6 minutes after take-off because of malfunctions in the equipment. As a result of plane crash all passengers and crew, only 71 persons were lost.

Experts note that the economic bases for a stop of "Saratov Airlines" are not present.

"Saratov Airlines" refused idea to stop work since May 31 and resumed sale of tickets through a site and agencies, wrote before RIA56. the Program of the international charters for June is cut by half. In companies specified that Federal Air Transport Agency considers the demand of "Saratov Airlines" about removal of restrictions from the certificate of the operator which grants the right for commercial transportations (works till May 30).

the Regulator has to make the decision till May 27. The carrier reported about a stop on May 17, but already on May 18 board of directors companies held a special session, having considered implementation of requirements of state agencies for removal of restriction of the certificate. Of "Saratov Airlines" assured that obligations to contractors and passengers "will be executed in full", and board of directors "makes all efforts to keep work", including activity of the airport Saratov (enters into structure of companies). However, specified in Ministry of Transport, restrictions anyway do not concern the airport.

Sources of the <39> Businessman <40> newspaper in the aviation and tourist markets say that the initial statement of airline looked sudden and hasty: literally in the middle of the week in park of a carrier one more Embraer arrived, the speech about termination of work was not. The telegram from the official of the average level is not "the statutory act demanding obligatory termination of work", the certificate is cancelled by the solution of chapter Federal Air Transport Agency. "Such telegrams rather often come to airlines that those accurately built sales at restriction of action of the certificate — explains one of edition sources. — The similar situation was with the largest charter player of Azur Air who before removal of restrictions did not sell tickets to tour operators".

At the same time, are added by him, now "Saratov Airlines" really can sell tickets only within period of validity of the certificate of the operator therefore the new statement of companies looks not less strange, than initial. Reduction of the charter program, the interlocutor of the newspaper in the tourist market specified, there was anyway inevitable because of new regulations Federal Air Transport Agency and monthly monitorings delays of flights — from the middle of April to the middle of May their share exceeded 20%.

the General director NTK "Intourist" (works with "Saratov Airlines") Topolkaraev Victor explained that the tour operator yet did not receive formal notices from a carrier about a suspension or change of conditions of the charter program. All sales of rounds with flight by "Saratov Airlines" since May 31 are suspended, and the final position of companies will be created within several days. One of options of destiny of companies sources call change of owners. Now it belongs JSC "Invest-Holding "Energosoyuz"" and LLC "SOYUZ-ENERGO", to Yevstafyev Arkady (the ex-head "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY POWER ENGINEERING SPECIALISTS AND ELECTRIFICATION "MOSENERGO"", left a post after criticism Vladimir Putin). According to their data, even before accident interest to purchase of a carrier showed same "Intourist", but negotiations stopped.

the Chief expert of Institute of economy transports and transport policy of Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research university "High school ekonomiki" Borisov Fedor considers that from the financial point of view company "not the worst in the market" and real prerequisites for its closing are not present. If "Saratov Airlines" nevertheless leaves the market, the expert notes, consequences will not be fatal, but its concentration and monopolization will amplify.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 639
Topolkaraev Victor
Yevstafyev Arkady
Borisov Fedor