The national team Russian Federation won three gold in the second day of the championship Europe on sambo

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The Russian sambo wrestlers became owners of three gold, two silver and two bronze awards in the second day of the championship Europe which passes in gorod Afiny. In weight category to 52 kg the Russian Shuyanova Tatyana who in the final was stronger Ukrainians Buek Maria became the winner. Bronze was won the Belarusian Danilovich Xenia and the Spaniard by Dias Irene. At men in weight category to...
Alexander Nikolaevich Nesterov
Last position: The professional athlete of Russian national team on sambo (All-Russian sports and sports Public organization "Vserossiyskaya Federatsiya Sambo")
Valentine Moldavsky
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Maria Oryashkova
Last position: The professional athlete on combat sport
Shuyanova Tatyana
Buek Maria