Peace Syrians continue to come back to the houses

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For the past days in the Syrian provinces Homs and Deyr-ez-Zor, and also around East Guta returned to the houses more than 370 people, reports information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting parties to Syrie.

B Duma proceeds clearing of blockages, there is a restoration of objects Household management company, engineer divisions of the Syrian army will clear of mines houses, take out ammunition and mines. In days it is cleared of mines 18 houses and house adjoining territories. Eight explosive subjects are revealed and neutralized.

Representatives of the Russian Center gave

humanitarian help to inhabitants of the settlement of Et Taiyiba Deyr-ez-Zor and the settlement Balas Governorate of Aleppo – to people are transferred 890 food sets and fresh bread. Gross weight of humanitarian freight made 5 tons.

the Russian medical officers in days rendered medical aid to 23 Syrians, including 15 children.