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Aristarkhov Vladimir and the Minister of Culture China Lo Shugan discussed holding the Festival of the Chinese culture in 2018

the First Deputy Minister of Culture Russian Federation Aristarkhov Vladimir and the Minister of Culture China Lo Shugan discussed carrying out to Russian Federation in 2018 of the Festival of the Chinese culture. The meeting took place within meeting of Ministers of Culture of member states The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) which these days takes place in China.

Aristarkhov Vladimir noted that in 2017 in China the Festival of the Russian culture which united actions of a dialogue format and performance of stars of the domestic ballet, opera art, and also representatives of the Russian performing school went over with success.

"This year the Festival of the Chinese culture are accepted by Russian Federation, and I am sure that all planned actions will go over with success and will be warmly accepted by the Russian audience", - the first deputy minister told, having emphasized that the Russian-Chinese contacts in the culture sphere are now an example of productive interaction, friendship and neighborliness of two great powers.

"Annual exchange festivals of the Russian and Chinese culture, Years of the Russian-Chinese interregional cooperation 2018-2019 and other joint actions – graphic evidences of the reached level of the bilateral relations", - were told by him.

In turn, Lo Shugan noted high level of interaction between the countries in the most different spheres, including in culture. At the same time, in his opinion, it is necessary to develop more actively cooperation in the sphere of circus art, art and documentary cinema, and also animation.


China as the country guest of the VIII St. Petersburg international cultural forum which will take place in November, 2018 also discussed the forthcoming participation. Aristarkhov Vladimir emphasized that the status of the country guest promotes creation of new partner cultural projects and programs.

Lo Shugan's

noted that the Chinese party intends to begin a preparatory work for participation in a forum already in the nearest future.

Meeting of Ministers of Culture of member states The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation passes

to Province of Hainan became a place of its carrying out. Representatives of the Ministries of culture take part in action Russian Federation, India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It is expected that next year the meeting will take place to Kyrgyzstan.