Штрафы за киоски снизили

Законопроект, призванный бороться с незаконной торговлей, вызвал широкий резонанс среди владельцев киосков и ларьков...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «T7 INFORM. News of Perm Krai» , more details in our Terms of Service
Valery Aleksandrovich Sukhikh
Last position: Chairman of Legislative Assembly of Perm Krai (Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory)
Igor Papkov
Last position: The deputy of Legislative assembly of Perm Krai of the third convocation from United Russia party on the one-mandatory district No. 15 (Legislative Assembly of the Perm Territory)
Bezgodova Catherina
Romanchenko Natalia
Krayevoy parlament
Government Agency
Residential property owners cooperative "Lenina,69"