The Perm <0> Oil Refinery of Lukoil entered a platform plum of fuel oil and the 1,2 million tons gudronovy mix in odes

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Perm. May 11. INTERFAX - LLC "Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez" put into operation a platform plum of fuel oil and gudronovy mix which will allow to provide effective utilization of capacity and to increase volumes of productions coke, motor fuel and road petrobitumen, reported to information agency "Interfaks" in the plant press service.

the New platform plum of oil products with a power of 1,2 million tons per year has 24 struts and is equipped with knots of a warming up and the condensate block. The object is designed and constructed taking into account modern requirements of a prombezopasnost and ecology, the press service notes.

Besides, the new platform will allow plant to accept annually for processing mix of tar and light gasoil of production LLC "Lukoil-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez" of 280 thousand tons or fuel oil from other enterprises in the volume of 1,032 million tons.

"Additional volumes of raw materials will allow to increase production demanded in the market of energy resources of coke, motor fuel and road bitumen", - explained in the press service.


In materials of companies it is reported that investments in the project made 2,24 billion rubles, a payback period - 6 years.

On a site of Administration of the Governor of Perm Territory with reference to general directors LLC "Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez" Andronov Sergei are reported that the plant plans to receive the first parties of bitumen by May 15. The plan of productions for May provides release of 10 thousand tons of bitumen." From next month are ready to increase production completely to satisfy needs of the region", - Andronov Sergei are quoted in the message.

according to the press service of the head of the region, design capacity of installation on production bitumen makes 200 thousand tons a month, requirements Perm Territory - about 80 thousand tons.

the Governor Perm Territory Maxime Reshetnikov considers that commissioning of a new platform solves at once two problems: bitumen will be made in the region territory in the bigger volume that will allow to receive a qualitative construction material, and design capacity of bituminous installation will allow to increase road construction.


"to Perm Territory are necessary qualitative and safe are expensive, without quality bitumen to construct such it will not turn out. Thanks to new production on" LLC "Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez"" in the region becomes possible increase in the period of maintenance free operation of roads", - Maxime Reshetnikov are quoted in the message.

the Bitumen made at oil refinery, is planned to use, in particular, at repair roads, conducting to a new Perm zoo, and repair a carriageway site on Petropavlovskaya Street.

"LLC "Lukoil-Permnefteorgsintez"" - one of the leading oil processing enterprises Russian Federation. The plant is located in five kilometers from Perm. Are 100% affiliated structure of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL". Processes about 14 million tons of hydrocarbonic raw materials annually. About 40% of production are shipped abroad.

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