As agents of CIA decapitated the child to Syrie and that Donald Trump told on it
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President of the United States Donald Trump made the decision to stop the confidential program of CIA to Syrie that provoked discontent of supporters of "hawk" policy Washington D.C. in the Arab Republic. As it becomes known, the decision Donald Trump was based on very shocking circumstances which made big impression on the American leader.

As the Syrian agents of CIA decapitated the child and that Trump told on it. 386809.jpeg

Thomas Hoselin, the analyst across Near East "Fund of protection of democracies", told the following in the August issue of the The Weekly Standard edition:


"Earlier this year to the president Donald Trump showed chilling video in which the Syrian insurgents cut off the head to the child near Aleppo. In the press to it did not attach any significance as the insurgents who have made it, belonged to Nour al-Din al-Zenki group which CIA within the program for assistance to insurgents supported Syrie".


actually not for the faint-hearted. Five bearded men, grinning, surround the boy, to which by sight 11-12 years. The boy sits in the small truck. One of them a beret of the boy for hair, another starts slapping the child in a face. Then they put his face down, get hands of the child to it for a back, cut off to the boy the head a knife and lift it up as a trophy. All this reminds IGIL atrocities *, but this time those who committed terrible murder of the child, are allies of United States of America.

After viewing of this video Donald Trump held meeting with heads of intelligence services and took an interest as CIA could allow such and how United States of America could cooperate in general with those who cuts off the heads to children, removes it on video and then publishes in Internet. Any of the high-ranking American officials who are present at meeting, could not answer Donald Trump these questions.

As are reported by anonhq. com, Donald Trump studied subsequently and other information confirming that the Syrian insurgents who are supported by United States of America, often battled on the party of terrorists. As a result, Donald Trump made the decision to close the confidential program of CIA to Syrie.

of Video of beheading of the little boy appeared in July, 2016, but this history so never and was not mentioned in the American mass media. The share of information on it in the press was scanty. It seemed that the State Department was satisfied that representatives of group as they reported, arrested those who committed cruel murder. Any other details it was not reported. Moreover, the representative of Federal Government of the United States hoped that the group of people which decapitated the child, "will fulfill subsequently the obligations within the law existing during armed conflict".

of RT News and information agency "Associated Press" were the only representatives of mass media who tried to ask appropriate questions to State Department. Whether when the journalist of AP Li Matt asked the press secretary Mark Toner group of the Syrian insurgents will continue to receive any help from outside United States of America, the Toner gave the unclear answer which entered the journalist into a stupor:" It will give us a pause".

Meanwhile, fighters from Nour al-Din al-Zenki supported and even tried to justify not only members of Federal Government of the United States. One of the largest broadcasting companies (Channel 4) tried to remove and hide United Kingdom

* the Terrorist organization, is forbidden to Russian Federation