"Capital" becomes granular//Under a vodka brand will sell black caviar

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In the Russian shops soon there will be a sturgeon caviar "Capital": according to the license from FKP "Soyuzplodoimport" recently created company will be engaged in its release. Two years before FKP allowed the Belarusian plant Limited liability company "Joint Venture "Santa Bremor" to make under a vodka brand preserved food from a herring. Sales of the Capital vodka to Russian Federation were considerably reduced since then...
Stanislas Yanovich Kaufman
Last position: Creative director of the agency (LLC "Agency Kaufman")
Vadim Drobiz
Last position: Director of the Center of researches federal and regional markets of TsIFRRA alcohol
Shchelkunov Gleb
Kochakova Tatyana
Nuzhdin Igor