At the All-Russian competitions "Planet Aerobics" the Altai athletes won several medals

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In Ufa have held the All-Russian sports aerobics competitions "the Planet Aerobics" . More than 700 people . Altai Territory pupils of the Barnaul sports school No. 6.

In age category of 6 - 8 years to "solo" third places have taken Rodionova Sophia and Grishchenko Kirill , in "the mixed couples" they were the second, in "trio" the third result have shown Pirmamedova Alisa, Artemova Stefania and Lyubivaya Darya . In "groups" the best for steel Pirmamedova Alisa, Artemova Stefania, Lyubivaya Darya, Zabolotskaya Arina and Astakhova Sophia , Ilyakhina Anna, Dianova Janina, Kuranda Alexandra, Perelygina Paulina and Lobishcheva Valeria were the third. In "dancing gymnastics" the second place was taken Grishchenko Kirill, Zhiganov Maxime, by Gridneva Anastasia, Pirmamedova Alisa, Zabolotskaya Arina, Lyubivaya Darya, Shubina Lydia and Rodionova Sophia , at the third step - Ilyakhina Anna, Lobishcheva Valeria, Astakhova Sophia, Arnautov Arseny, Dianova Janina, Kuranda Alexandra and Artemova Stefania .
the Altai athletes have caused a stir in

also in age category of 9 - 11 years. In "solo" Tsitsareva Alisa has taken the second place, boys a winner had Mitrenev Daniila , Daniil Litvinenko has shown to Litvinenko Daniila . Litvinenko Daniila and Tsitsareva Alisa were the best in "the mixed couples", Kremlev Ilya and Bolshedvorova Darya have taken the second place. The victory in "trio" was won Tsitsareva Alisa, by Datsuk Vasilina and Bolshedvorova Darya , on the third place Litvinenko Daniila, Mitrenev Daniila and Kremlev Ilya . In "groups" Litvinenko Daniila, Mitrenev Daniila, Kremlev Daniila, Tsitsareva Alisa and Bolshedvorova Darya were the best, Kostromina Alina, Fadeeva Anastasiya, Sidorchuk Alena, Cherkova Catherina and Datsuk Vasilina have shown the third result. In "dancing gymnastics" Daniil Litvinenko , Kremlev Ilya, Mitrenev Daniila, Mityukhin Andrey, Fadeeva Anastasiya, Datsuk Vasilina, Cherkova Catherina and Tsitsareva Alisa became the second Litvinenko Daniila.

In "The Altai sport" is noted that on the Planet Aerobics tournament the open superiority Ufa has taken place . And here the Altai athletes have won several awards. Among participants of 6 - 8 years in "trio" Ilyakhina Anna, Dianova Janina and Lobishcheva Valeria have taken the second place. In "couples" in age category of 9 - 11 years a victory at Rostislav Zalozny's Zalozny Rostislav and Sidorchuk Alena . In "trio" first place was won Alain Sidorchuk's Sidorchuk Alena, Strashnikova Sophia and Cherkova Catherina , Zalozny Rostislav, Burlakov Makar and Mityukhin Andrey were the second. In "individual performances" among young men of 15 - 17 years Dmitry Kudryavtsev has caused a stir in Kudryavtsev Dimitri. It has won first place.

Lydia Shubina
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Rodionov Sofya
Grishchenko Kirill
Pirmamedova Alisa
Artemova Stefania