The Sverdlovsk agrofirm dirtied 300 hectares of the earth

@Nasha gazeta
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Company fined

on 40 thousand rubles.

the Ural agrofirm according to the decision District court of the Arti district of the Sverdlovsk region is fined by

on 40 thousand rubles because of damage of 300 hectares of the earth, being in enterprise property.

an Inspection of the territory of the enterprise carried out forces of regional Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service in the summer of last year. Having received earth tests, experts found out that in 11 from them maximum permissible concentration of nitrate nitrogen are exceeded.

Results of check on damage of fertile lands Prosecutor's office Arti district Sverdlovsk region transferred

to court which passed the decision on a penalty. The agrofirm appealed against sentence in regional court which left the decision without change.