Court made the decision on business Shopping Center "Pervomaysky" in Barnaul

@Katun' 24
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passed on May 8 meeting at which decided in Central Federal District district court of City Barnaul Altai territory will continue work.

Small tenants left floor squares at the beginning of a month, however then the decision not to close shopping center was made, court rejected the requirement of prosecutor's offices about interim measures.

What violations were revealed during Shopping Center <11> check :
  • the system of the notification and management of evacuation of people is in failure condition;
  • the automatic fire alarm system is mounted by
  • with violations;
  • approaches to fireplugs and fire extinguishing means are encumbered by
  • ;
  • on evacuation ways in halls near escalators there are trade pavilions;
  • width of the main evacuation passes is less than 2,5 meters;
  • on the 4th floor were placed by children's entertaining zones and cafe instead of the designed billiards club;
  • in a cellar instead of the designed closed parking placed DNS shop with warehouse;
  • in a basement floor there are no emergency exits as on their place DNS shop warehouses are placed;
  • of a door of emergency exits cannot be opened from within without key;
  • automatic locks of fire-prevention doors are in a non-working state;
  • and many others.

on May 8 during a court session the judge Korolkova Irina heard arguments of the parties then made the decision on a break in meeting. It will renew on May 14 at 16:30, about it Altai information channel "Katun 24" was told by the assistant to the judge Romanova Tatyana.

Turns out that at least before this date Shopping center "Pervomaysky" will continue to work.

Tatyana Romanova
Last position: The judge of Judicial board on criminal cases (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation)
Korolkova Irina
Shopping Center "Pervomaysky"
Shopping center "Pervomaysky"