Russian Federation imposed a ban on the Hungarian pork because of AChS

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Russian Federation imposed a ban on import of pigs and production from pork from Hungary, the press service reports Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service. Identification of cases of the African plague of pigs in the territory of this country became the reason.

"Because of an aggravation of an epizootic situation on AChS in the region County of Heves (Hungary) since May 7, 2018 imposed a temporary ban on import to Russian Federation from all territory Hungary pigs in a live look, meat of pork and production containing meat of pork, embryos, and also a material for a reproduction", - told in Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service.

Under a ban some types of production if they passed processing which can guarantee destruction of a virus of the African plague of pigs did not get. These are ready products and components for production of forages for unproductive animals and a fur animal.

Earlier agency ROSNG reported

that to Hungary the first case of AChS was found on April 19. It recorded in the settlement County of Heves. Then the wild boar fell ill. Experts counted as a disease source the natural center.

In the same time for territories Russian Federation was revealed three centers of the African plague of pigs – one in Saratov Region and two – in Belgorod.

the Reference

the African plague of pigs — especially dangerous infectious disease which affects domestic pigs and wild boars. On the person it does not extend. However poses serious threat for economy as it cannot be cured or prevented by means of vaccination. The only effective measure is livestock destruction in a dangerous zone.


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In Europe the outbreak of the African plague of pigs


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