PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" and Visa brought together partners for "Digital spring"
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When on the street the spring storms, to remain sitting at offices and conference rooms it is difficult — there is a wish on will, is closer to the sun and a warm wind. Therefore the meeting with representatives of partner banks took place PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB"

With a place organizers did not lose, having chosen the modern hotel which has harmoniously fitted into the picturesque nature situated near Moscow. And day was — that only as in summer hot which pleased Muscovites among gloomy April nepogodya.

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" — one of the largest players of the Russian market of processing also serves more than 70 banks at the capacities of the card. Every year together with Visa it brings together the partners to tell about trends in the card market, new products and opportunities for developments businesses.

"Digital spring" — such name action received this year. Its format also underwent changes and became interactive: the gathered could communicate freely all the time with experts PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" and Visa, and also with colleagues on the industry.

participants had

This right. Hotly discussed the hot topics connected with development of payment services and technologies. Samsung Pay and Google Android Pay argued on specifics of introduction of mobile purses of Apple Pay. Argued on distinctions of systems of the remote bank service (RBS) for mobile and Internet bankings. Brought up questions of expansion of functionality of the P2P-translations and services.

the Meeting the vice-president, the head of department for work with banks — partners opened PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" Demchev Igor, devoted the performance to payment products and to services which bank develops this year. Then the director of the department of digital solutions of Visa Lupaev Andrey told about how tokenization changes the modern market of card payments and what services on the basis of these technologies are offered by Payment system.

Igor Demchev
Demchev Igor
Andrey Lupayev
Lupaev Andrey

Especially interested in

present speech of the head of management of support of banks — partners PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" Sychev Artem. It presented one of key products the division — the DBO cloudy platform. She allows any credit organization to start in short terms for clients own Internet and mobile bank in a corporate style. And all this quickly and for reasonable price.

Artem Sychev
Sychev Artem

Other hot topic became methods of attraction and deduction of clients. The director of the department of new products Visa Gordienko Andrey gave examples of successfully functioning programs of loyalty and specified, on what it is worth paying attention at their development.

Andrey Gordiyenko
Gordienko Andrey

In turn the director of work PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK URALSIB" Krasnoperova Marina shared

successful experience with clients banks on loyalty program reset "Compliment". Emergence keshbeka for transactions of cards became key change. Clients can spend the saved-up points for certificates in shops, charity, an avia - and train tickets, and also booking of hotels.

Marina Krasnoperova
Krasnoperova Marina

the Director of the department of work with strategic partners and the trade and service enterprises of Visa Sivkov Valery made practical recommendations about service small businesses regarding acquirings and on formation of package offers for the microenterprises.

Valery Sivkov
Sivkov Valery

at the end of official part of a meeting of Visa carried out business game. Teams competed in customer acquisition and management of a client portfolio, defined strategy of sales, chose advance channels, and also banks studied influence of external and internal factors on profitability.

waited for

of the Most patient a dinner, wine tasting with the professional sommelier and "karaoke buttle" in which the wishing could feel the real singers.

Igor Demchev
Last position: Vice-president, head of department for work with partner banks (PJSC Uralsib bank)
Lupaev Andrey
Sychev Artem
Gordienko Andrey
Krasnoperova Marina
PJSC Uralsib bank
Main activity:Finance