The longest bridge on the Chinese-Laotian iron road will build till 2023

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The megabridge will have 230 support and extent about 7506 m

Construction of the 7506-meter megabridge of "Namkhone" - key object of Chinese-Laotian iron roads under construction - will come to the end with


the longest bridge on the Chinese-Laotian iron road under construction will have 230 support and extent about 7506 m. The Chinese-Laotian iron road acts as an important link of cooperation China and Laos within an initiative "A belt and a way".

More than 60 percent of the 414-kilometer highway which will connect Mohan frontier transition - Boten with the Laotian capital Vyentyan, form bridges and tunnels. The maximum speed of movement of trains on the iron road will make 160 km/h.

we Will remind

that laying on the Chinese-Laotian iron road came to the end with of the first tunnel at the end of last year. The tunnel is located to Vyentyan, its general extent makes 301 meters.

Lomanova Bella

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