In Borovichi district started restoring the suvorovsky temple

@53 novosti
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Today in Sopinakh specialists of the Novgorod scientific restoration managements work. NNRU develops design documentation for the forthcoming restoration of a Holy Trinity Church. - Now we executed the outline sketch, - the chief specialist architect of NNRU Kulakova Galina tells. The part of working documentation will be ready to the middle of May. And further works will be continued at the same time with temple restoration. Today here cleared away a refectory and under a heap of garbage found the destroyed stone columns. After restorations they will be established on the places...
Sergei Glukhov
Main activity:Official
Kulakova Galina
Suvorov Alexander
Milovidov Mikhail
Dyachkov Valery
Regionalnoye government
Government Agency