"Girls became more senior". Hockey players of SSh "Russia" played in the Kind Ice tournament. Photo, video

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… Certainly, it was hard for them to play against boys! "They are pushed, boksuyutsya! " - hotly tell hockey players of team SSh "Russia" who took part tournament of boys "Kind ice". Tournament took place in the Ice arena Irkutsk on April 25-27. Though, by the way, girls first came to ice at all as "weaker sex"! "We were sure: we will win against all, we will beat all! " - little girls laugh.


the Team of hockey players Levkovskaya Tatyana is engaged in

. It is not enough little girls hockey players therefore it is necessary to play with boys to use each chance to increase the skill. The Kind Ice tournament which took place in the Irkutsk Ice arena from April 25 to April 27, became for them just one of such opportunities.

Tournament was organized by the Ministry of sports Irkutsk Region and Federation of hockey Irkutsk Region. Zakharov Andrey, the vice-chairman of federation of hockey Irkutsk Region, told:

- These competitions "Kind Ice" consist of three stages. In Irkutsk passed the first stage – regional, participants from Irkutsk Region here played, six teams. Places in tournament were distributed as follows: the first place – Meget and Homutovo's integrated team the "Medal", the second – brotherly "Angara", the third – tulunsky "Piece of coal". Girls from SSh "Russia", the fifth – Angarsk "Saturn", and on the sixth place – Irkutsk "Olympia" became fourth. The winner of the first stage of the Kind Ice tournament goes on the second stage where will play teams of Siberia and Far East. It will pass in the fall, the place is not defined yet, possibly, to Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. And the third stage – the All-Russian final which will take place in the winter.

to occupy From little girls who managed on this tournament not the last and even not penultimate place, were here and other tasks, the trainer Levkovskaya Tatyana speaks:

- Tournament is very important for us because we ride very little, and here us invited to play – and we with pleasure agreed with boys! I need to see all structure with which we could participate in final tournament of the All-Russian competitions "Gold Washer". It will pass from May 22 to May 29. It is already final viewing, another will not be – players who will get to team, will go to the final. But it in case will be financing. While it is not known about, whether there will be at us money on a trip. If is not, certainly, the strongest will go not, and what parents have opportunity to pay road. Unfortunately, the Ministry Irkutsk Region does not allocate money for this action.

- difficult to little girls to play against boys?

- I worked both with boys, and with girls. With boys, of course, more simply. They should not speak – "run, select", it at them it in blood! And girls should "chew", show each step where it is necessary to run, where to aspire. It is female psychology: if I shout when they in the field, to them it seems sometimes that I do not love them, I swear … I tell all the time: "Girls, in the field is one, behind a field – absolutely another! I on ice demand from you just to what and I teach you! " That's all. They cannot sometimes step over this barrier, someone hesitates, quails, is afraid. I speak: "It is not necessary to be afraid, it everything only on advantage, all for the sake of result! "

came For this tournament of the hockey player just with the most resolute spirit.

- Thought: "We most abruptly, we will win against all! " - girls smile. Now this confidence seems to them amusing. They understand that in sports happens nothing just like that.

the First game – with the Irkutsk Olympia team. Little girls conducted 2:0, but allowed to reduce, then to make even – 2:2. And at the end nevertheless lost – 2:3. That did not suffice?

- Just did not suffice ridge preparation, - the trainer Levkovskaya Tatyana speaks, - we have not enough opportunity to ride. Still the pressure did not suffice, and somewhere – good luck. Because at us was hits in a bar much! If to collect all bars which were in that match, we precisely would win! Bright became game with team Tulun "Piece of coal": quite good boys, play tactically competently. We looked through their games to a meeting, in advance saw their mistakes, understood that they often throw over "patch". Took all this into consideration. However lost 2:4. But we work, we work! All these games for us were very important! Because we hunger very strong "the ice.

- In such situations when each game costs months of trainings, the team usually adds with each game.

- Yes, it quite so, and here is how time on this tournament final game became the best!

So, little girls conceded to "Olympia", "Piece of coal" and "Medal". Ahead there was only one match – with "Saturn" from Angarsk. Also it is the last opportunity something to win and to take at least not the last place!

On Friday, April 27, team SSh "Russia" came to ice against hockey players Angarsk. By the way, at little girls – name very convenient for fans!

- "Russia! Russia! " - rushed from tribunes. Directly as at the Olympic Games! That-that, and support of parents at little girls was on the ball, probably, the strongest on tournament. And though in passion many do not hear a tribune, but little girls admitted: all heard. And it helped!

- We heard how from a tribune shouted strongly! – speak hockey players, - support helped, we felt it!

Game began with attacks of "Saturn": rivals practically pressed "Russia" to gate, attacked constantly. But made a mistake, "Russia" rushed to counterattack and threw the first washer. Residents of Angarsk continue to attack and pass the second time according to the same scheme – after a mistake counterattack … And girls already conduct 2:0! Good fellows, they did not relax, did not lose control. But also boys do not intend to give up:

- After game they told that were adjusted on us! – the trainer speaks, - to whom hunting to little girls to lose! Certainly, they too did not want it.

At the score 2:0 of the boy reduced – 2:1, and "swing" began: both teams departed forward, both were mistaken and passed. "Russia" "comes off" again – 3:1, "Saturn" again reduces – 3:2. And still little girls "broke the resistance" of this game and still managed to throw – the score 4:2, the first victory of "Russia"! What could hockey players such make in a final match – that it was impossible earlier? The trainer answers: by

- At them character started being shown, responsibility any appeared, - Levkovskaya Tatyana speaks, - installation of the trainer began to carry out more or less. I during game cannot simply stand and be silent, loudly I shout, I prompt. Someone hears, someone is not present. And today more yes, than is not present! I think that girls became simply more senior for this period, for tournament. They became more responsible. Especially I want to praise defenders! I do not like someone to allocate, but today that's it defenders played well.

A the goalkeeper of SSh "Russia" Sadokhina Nina following the results of tournament was entitled the best goalkeeper! Yes, it had to work these days.

- Teams were good, it was necessary to me rather difficult, - the goalkeeper, - tall children speaks … It was difficult to play with the Medal team, it is a lot of throws on our gate. And it was remembered there was the third washer in game against "Olympia": I simply missed by a washer, and it flew in gate. The most dosady goal.

- As you think thanks to what at you everything turned out today?

- Thanks to Sadokhina Nina! – little girls, without arranging, point to the goalkeeper.

- In general, to you with boys it is difficult to play?

- Yes! – with chorus and separately little girls answer, - they are stronger. They are pushed strongly, boksuyutsya! Play as with boys got used. But we too try to fulfill, apply any power receptions. We do not quail! With "Saturn" we came for game already to win! Thought – we will win – and a point!

is there was the last chance – to prove that we are not losers that we can win! – the goalkeeper Sadokhina Nina speaks.

- If to estimate tournament as a whole …

- Each tournament for us is a holiday, - Levkovskaya Tatyana speaks, - and here everything was top-level. Thanks of administration of the Ice arena, thanks to judges, organizers and to federation of hockey, thanks to the center of sports preparation and Uchevatov Victor personally. Tournament took place perfectly. I think that even it was sad to children to say goodbye to it!

Levkovskaya Tatyana
Zakharov Andrey
Sadokhina Nina
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