To Czech Republic the vandal destroyed the orthodox cross established in honor of the Russian soldiers

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To Czech Republic the vandal destroyed the orthodox cross established close of Prague on a place of burial of the Russian soldiers who participated in the Italian campaign of 1799 under Suvorov Alexander, reported in republican police.
In the Czech Republic the vandal destroyed the orthodox cross established in honor of the Russian soldiers
  • the Archival photo
  • © Pixabay

"The man who was in an alcohol intoxication, sawed the orthodox cross executed of a tree established in memory of the Russian soldiers which has lost from wounds of the general Suvorov Alexander which army returned home through the Czech territory after a victory over French to Northern Italy" — quotes information agency "ITAR-TASS" the representative of police Rikhterov Mikhael.

It is noted by

that the orthodox cross was consecrated on February 3. Now it is in property of the Czech National institute of monuments. Allegedly, the cross will be restored.

Earlier in the village to Gribina County of Marijampole Lithuania unknown profaned a monument to the activists killed in 1946 by participants of the armed anti-Soviet underground.

Today in mass media