In the Campus discussed strategy of developments Novosibirsk till 2030

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In the Campus discussed strategy of development of Novosibirsk till 2030

To a meeting came inhabitants Sovetsky rayon, representatives of scientific community, heads of the enterprises and the organizations, officials from the city hall and regional administration, deputies.

In April the mayor Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot submitted to

the Investment Strategy <9> Novosibirsk Region till 2030 program. It included 10 main directions of development the cities and areas. In more detail Artyom Skatov, the deputy mayor of the city.

First that it is necessary to make, it to achieve giving to Novosibirsk the special status. Gorod-millionik today, in fact, lives by the principle of municipal educations with the population in 100–150 thousand people and the relevant budget. For anybody not a secret that we are often compelled to ask the regional and federal authorities for the financial help, – noted from a tribune of Artyom Skatov.

Besides, need to consider development Novosibirsk taking into account prospects of all area. Generally it concerns agriculture. It is necessary to look for mechanisms of stimulation of the rural economy, new approaches in production realization from villages.

All of us want to eat healthy, qualitative and safe food! – the deputy mayor emphasized.

Also the following directions have to enter strategy of developments:

- Novosibirsk – the scientific Moscow . To the city it is necessary to involve world-class specialists.
- Novosibirsk – the largest transport and administrative center. As experts note, the geolocation Novosibirsk is unique and convenient to many large companies. For this reason to the city it is necessary to attract head offices of the large companies.
- the City of modern medicine . This point, according to the mayor, deserves separate attention. As Artyom Skatov told, on the one hand, in Novosibirsk there are such medical centers as the clinic of a name of Meshalkin, is planned construction of the oncological center. With another – the out-patient and polyclinic network leaves much to be desired.
- Novosibirsk – the green city near the pure river. It is necessary not only to support the city woods in a good shape, but also to create new green zones, thereby improving ecology and appearance of the megalopolis.
- to Exempt Novosibirsk from stoppers . Task difficult, but quite solved. In particular, today in the city it is opened production trams, it is necessary to develop the subway, to build the new bridges, two - and three-level outcomes.
- Novosibirsk – the city comfortable and safe. It concerns construction of new apartment houses and other objects. In particular, it is necessary to reconsider and completely to remake the general plan of the city which was developed in 2007. Today it became outdated and demands completion.
- Sports, culture and creativity . It is necessary to develop these directions, allowing young generation to receive a maximum of knowledge and opportunities.
- Novosibirsk – the city of real self-government. Development has to go not only taking into account opinion of experts, but also taking into account wishes of inhabitants. After all they as anybody know that is required to certain areas or even streets.

Sovetsky rayon Kulaev Alexander Pavlovich told

of the Deputy head of administration gathered that it is necessary to consider in the program directly for our area.

Today there are at once some programs of development the Campus and scientific center Novosibirsk. Taking into account realities of our area it is necessary to develop a transport and logical portal, namely it is required to create traffic intersections on Berdsk the highway with Morskoy Avenue, Universitetsky Drive and Stroiteley Avenue , – Kulaev Alexander Pavlovich noted one of the main tasks.

Having huge scientific potential, it is possible to create the enterprises which will be engaged in grain processing.

our region sells a lot of grain, but it is possible to create the enterprises which will process it and to use for productions glucose, ascorbic acid, baking protein. And it will bring big benefit, than sale of pure grain, – Kulaev Alexander Pavlovich added.

In the territory of the area can create complex zones of business developments by an example the Moscow City, in particular, on crossing of Baltiyskaya Street and Berdskoye Highway, Berdskoye Highway and Universitetsky Drive, and also for Akadempark towards the Baryshevsky Village Council. At this deputy head of administration emphasized: the main directions which need to be developed in Sovetsky rayon within the program, it is sports, education and a transport network.

After speeches of officials the floor was taken by inhabitants Sovetsky rayon. The first the Bottom Eltsovka's representatives, their residential district very famous for all acted recently.

Inhabitants, we in particular, participate in all public hearings. One of the main problems today – the general plan of 2007. We hear recently that it needs to be reconsidered, changed, but often we see that the town-planning council of the city hall tries "to push through" the decisions which bear advantage only to builders, – Andrey Alekseevich Blokhin, the Bottom Eltsovka's representative speaks.

Telling directly about life in the residential district, activists touched again upon a subject of East round: it is necessary that its construction became more open and clear. In particular, the first stage plan to finish in 2019 and that will be farther – it is not known.


Here will make an outcome around Koltsov – and what further? How many we will wait for realization of the following stages and the most important – as there will be all stream transports from this round after Koltsov? We think, or through the Bottom Eltsovka, or through Ivanov Street. Also it becomes absolutely impossible to live there , – activists note.

Inhabitants suggested to enter the moratorium on all public hearings connected with construction until the new general plan Novosibirsk will be developed and approved.

Kaverzina Svetlana suggested to consider and deal at last with "polosovaniye" in the area.

U us the part of lands belongs HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY. And there a constant mess because they simply waved a hand on the maintenance of some territories , – the active inhabitant Shlyuza speaks.

Besides, according to Kaverzina Svetlana, it is important to resolve an issue with points plum for assinezatorsky cars. It is necessary to take out drains now to a collector around Yin's travel. Neither during a heat, nor in the Siberian frost such option not the best. It is necessary to look for points closer, especially as the private sector in Sovetsky rayon the quite extensive.

Shamina Natalia, the representative of defenders of forests of the Campus, is sure that all forces need to be thrown on development scientific potential, instead of construction of outcomes and other innovations. After all, as the woman noted, scientists "live and work in the Campus, instead of beyond its limits".

One more offer relating rather not to the program of development of the city till 2030, and by day today's — to adjust operation of the traffic light on the former post of traffic police on Berdsk the highway. That there was an interval for pedestrians and for transport movement . Then it will be possible to solve a problem with departure on Berdskoye Highway from Morskoy Avenue and Universitetsky Drive.

Offered going to create in Sovetsky rayon and Advisory council into which representatives of administration, the city halls, scientific community, builders, active inhabitants will enter. And then all can solve pressing problems.

Artyom Skatov, finishing a meeting, noted that all offers stated today by inhabitants, will be transferred to the mayor.

Mezina Marina

of the Photo Orlova Julia

Anatoly Lokot
Last position: Mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Artyom Skatov
Last position: Deputy mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Andrey Alekseevich Blokhin
Last position: Chief researcher of Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Kulaev Alexander Pavlovich
Kaverzina Svetlana
Main activity:Science and education