In Sovetsky rayon discussed "Strategy-2030"

@Rodnye berega
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V Novosibirsk discussion of Strategy of developments the cities till 2030 proceeds. Today, on April 28, discussion took place in a conference room of administration Sovetsky rayon.

In meeting with participation of representatives of the public, the organizations and deputies of the City Council Natalia Pinus, Youri Alekseevich Folomkin, Alexander Feldbush took part the vice-mayor Artyom Skatov and the first deputy head of administration Sovetsky rayon Kulaev Alexander .

Artem Skatov told

the largest municipality of the country. First of all the special status which will allow more effectively and to operate the megalopolis flexibly is necessary to Novosibirsk. At present from 100 rubles earned in Novosibirsk, in city treasury only 14 rubles arrive. As a result financial planning is replaced with begging of subsidies at the federal and regional authorities, the vice-mayor told. This problem can be solved modification of the regional legislation on the interbudgetary relations. For example, in the income Novosibirsk now are absent assignments from taxes on profit.

Important priorities are transport and the social sphere and creation of comfortable habitat are expensive. The city needs further construction of the subway, automobile outcomes and arrangement of new parks and squares. For this purpose modification of the General plan is necessary.

Besides, need to increase quality of polyclinic service. Though Oblastnoye government deals with issues of health care, but citizens on a habit continue to complain in the city hall, Artyom Skatov told.

Participants of a meeting also made as

, having scarified the organization of public hearings, suggested to enter the moratorium on their carrying out. In discussion sounded the offer on carrying out additional geological examination in the Bottom Eltsovka, and also the requirement not to allow a traffic of East detour on roads Sovetsky rayon. On this subject Kulaev Alexander suggested to hold separate meeting.

Svetlana Kaverzina suggested to make by Obshchestvennits's

of the Lock Kaverzina Svetlana for passenger transports, and also she paid attention that HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY; POSELOK SIBIRSKY DEPARTMENT REGIONAL REAL ESTATE AGENCY is not engaged in the territories in the residential district Right Chema in whom there were ownerless objects, for example, the building of the former dining room on Russkoy St.

the Chairman of Gardening association Stroitel city" Astafyeva Lydia in which 1240 participants consist, asked to pay attention to the following problem: in connection with plans of developments Akademparka towards the Baryshevsky Village Council exists deforestation threat round SNT.

the Vice-mayor Artyom Skatov and the deputy head of the area Kulaev Alexander thanked inhabitants for not indifferent relation to the city, and promised to consider each offer.

Bayzhanov Yerlan

of the Photo Scoop. Info and Orlova Julia

Artyom Skatov
Last position: Deputy mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Andrey Alekseevich Blokhin
Last position: Chief researcher of Institute of economic forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Natalia Pinus
Last position: The deputy of Council of deputies of the city of Novosibirsk from the Campus. (Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city)
Youri Alekseevich Folomkin
Alexander Feldbush
Last position: Deputy (Council of deputies of the Novosibirsk city)
Main activity:Science and education
Gardening association Stroitel city
Oblastnoye government
Government Agency