Human rights eyes of the child

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Human rights eyes of the child under such name the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights of the Novoselitsky municipal area together with office of prevention of neglect of minors the Novoselitsky complex CENTER OF SOCIAL SERVICES the population, Municipal state-financed institution "Youth center", with the assistance of the Ombudsman for Children at the head of ANMR is organized and held competition creative works among pupils of educational institutions of the area. Competition was carried out for assistance to mastering by pupils by knowledge in the field of human rights, formation of understanding and respect of cultural and national traditions, views and opinions, an active civic stand, youth education in the spirit of humanity, freedom and democracy. Competition was carried out on the following age groups:
1 group – pupils of 5-8 classes;
the 2nd group – pupils of 9-11 classes.
On the action devoted to summing up competitions, there were guests of honor: deputy of chapter of Administration of the municipal district Novoselitsk of the Stavropol Territory, chairman of the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights Golovin T. I., director of GBUSO "Novoselitsky KTsSON" Popov L. G., chief Department of education of administration of the municipal district of Novoselitsk of the Stavropol Territory Zhizherina I. V., chairman of regional council of fathers Kargalev S. N.. For participation in Competition participants of 1 group (18 people) presented to br creative works: drawings and the book coloring which illustrated provisions of the Convention of United Nations about the rights of the child, Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal law "About the main guarantees of the rights of the child to Russian Federation" and other regulations.
Participants of 2 groups (8 people) prepared written works (compositions, the essay, research works), issued according to the requirements stated in Provision on competition. For protection of written works participants competitions acted with a summary of competitive work and answered commission questions. The jury estimated the research depth, scientific approach, independent practical research (poll, questioning, etc.) . All school students showed literacy and sequence of a statement of the thoughts, persuasiveness of conclusions, oratorical skill.
Following the results of competitions the jury noted active participation of pupils MUNICIPAL GENERAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 3 page of Kitayevsky, MUNICIPAL GENERAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 5 page of Zhuravsky, MUNICIPAL GENERAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL NO. 8 page of Novoselitsky. Winners are awarded by Diplomas of the commission in affairs of minors and protection of their rights of Administration of the municipal district Novoselitsk of the Stavropol Territory and valuable presents from Municipal state-financed institution "Youth center", all participants – Letters of thanks of the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights of Administration of the municipal district Novoselitsk of the Stavropol Territory. Competition "Human rights eyes of the child" took place br in the atmosphere of cooperation, positive communication of children and adults, mutual support.

Golovin T. I.
Popov L. G.
Zhizherina I. V.
Kargalev S. N.
Municipal state-financed institution "Youth center"