The Vyatskopolyansky thought quickly changed rules of selection of the Head of the area to allow the necessary person without educations

@Vjatskij nabljudatel'
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Communist Party of the Russian Federation: if the candidate for a position of head provides the certificate of the kindergarten termination in a contest committee, he can become the head of the area...
Nail Saitov
Last position: Head of the municipality (Municipal state institution administration of the urban settlement Sosnovsk of the Vyatskiye Polyany district of the Kirov region)
Trifonov Igor
Donskikh Zoe
Bazgutdinov Ramis
Bazgutdinov Rais
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.
Municipal unitary enterprise "Sosnovskoye"