The fourth Pacific tourist forum will take place in Vladivostok from May 17 to May 20

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Pacific tourist forum. Photo: Khitrov Alexander
Within a forum will pass a tourist exhibition PITE, master classes, interactive platforms with

on April 27, regional news agency "PrimaMedia" also will work. the Fourth Pacific tourist forum will take place in Vladivostok from May 17 to May 20. The program of a forum includes some thematic blocks: business part, XXII Tourist exhibition Pacific International Tourism Expo (PITE), some professional interactive platforms, master classes and competitions. The campus FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU becomes the main platform of a forum, as well as last year, reports regional news agency "PrimaMedia".

Konstantin Shestakov
Shestakov Konstantin

director of the department of tourism Primorsky Territory

Author of a photo: the press service of Administration of the Primorsky Territory

We represent one of methodological platforms in the sphere of tourism Russian Federation, and in particular, Far East. In some directions we are leading subjects on reception of foreigners on all Russian Federation.

"on May 17 we will carry out the youth tourist congress on which would like to show not so much tourism for youth, how many tourism by youth forces. To involve youth in development tourist branch, to show that realization tourist or about tourist projects — is the widest range of services, from productions souvenir products to the organization of excursions. We plan to consider questions of developments the international youth travel, a youth initiative in tourism, volunteer tourism and digital technologies in tourism" — Shestakov Konstantin told.

on May 18 on a platform of a forum there will pass interregional meeting on questions of participation of subjects of Far East and Siberian federal districts Russian Federation in the federal target program" Development internal and entrance tourism to Russian Federation" headed by the head Federal Agency for Tourism Oleg Safonov.

In the same day plenary session which is devoted to development sea tourism will take place. This subject in the present year gains the increasing relevance: about 25 vessel calls of cruise vessels are planned in the current year. Every year this number grows, in their last year was 15, and in 2016 — 6.

Within the business program of the Pacific tourist forum there will take place Session" Development sea tourism" in which questions of developments ferry, cruise, walking, yacht and boat tourism will be considered.

Valery Nagorny
Valery Nagorny

director general Vladivostok sea terminal

Author of a photo: regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

One of highlights of session will be speech of the representative of the Korean sea institute on a subject "Routes of east sea ring. Experience of developments ports of east sea". Further the presentation of the director of Japanese research institute on cruises will take place. And, at last, the report from Primorsky Territory where I will act.

the Second part of session will be devoted by

to development coastal tourism, to that is connected with excursions, regulation of undersized fleet, and its use for commercial purposes.

Besides session and plenary session for participants of the cruise market from South Korea, China and Japan will take place fact-finding round. Participants of delegations will take on tourist objects which can be included in routes of stay of cruise vessels. Subjects of bus fleets, the guides, necessary infrastructure as a whole will be touched.

of One of official platforms of a tourist forum already, by tradition, is exhibition boats and the Vladivostok Boat Show X yachts. The program will include demonstration, test drives, bright show for all family, draws from partners and sporting events. Invariable venue of exhibitions there is a Seven Foots yacht-club.

For all guests and participants of a forum there will take place also creative meeting with a film crew and prepremier display of the feature film "Look how it is beautiful!" . The considerable part of the movie is removed in Vladivostok and devoted to this city. For the last years the city gains the increasing popularity thanks to movies, series and entertainment programs.

on May 18 there will take place opening of the XXII Pacific international tourist exhibitions "PITE". It is the biggest platform in Far Eastern Federal District for Asian and Pacific Rim, it is considered a sign event for Primorsky Territory and is included in the official list of the events held by Administration regiona within a state program Primorsky Territory "Development tourism in Primorsky Territory". It traditionally unites leading representations of national tourist offices of Asian and Pacific Rim, government bodies of management of tourism Russian Federation and Far East Russian Federation, the Russian and foreign travel agencies.

Mikhail Veselov
Veselov Mikhail

vice-president of UNION "PRIMORSKAYA TPP"

Author of a photo: Khitrov Alexander, regional news agency "PrimaMedia"

At exhibition will settle down a scene which will be involved all three days, first of all, for presentation of companies, and them this year will be about 100, and the participating countries of exhibitions. We have a serious representation of the international level: most of all the participating countries about China, the second conditional place is taken by Japan, this year, after a long break, the Korean national democratic republic is exposed, also participate Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mongolia. Would be to note that this exhibition we devote to anniversary Primorsky Territory to which this year 80 years are executed. Besides bench work holding various meetings and negotiations, lectures and master classes is planned.

In parallel to exhibition on the embankment of a campus there will take place the Day of the Traveller festival. This year it will be even more large-scale. Besides a habitual scene and a big variety of food, there will be peculiar streets of masters, the historical street, a cultural and sports labyrinth, historical reconstruction and it is a lot of other entertainments.