Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant competitions "House"

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of the Contestant passed a stage of transformations.

of the Photo: Sharapina Eugenia

At the third stage of competition "House" faced participants a difficult task. It was necessary to transmit emotions of dance through the photo. Each couple chose for itself that image in which it feels most harmoniously. Under this image it is necessary to pick up suits, a make-up, accessories and the most important, to dance, the correspondent reports to Main information portal of City Kostroma K1NEWS.RU.

After all the organizer competitions "House" the dancing center as "Code De Dance" acted. And, certainly, dance is a fine way to transfer love and the sincerity reigning in each couple of participants.

Little daughters with delight participated in this stage. What little girl does not love transformations? And here excellent opportunity – to become similar to the mother, to repeat in what it is strong was given.

As Tatyana Titova noted Titova Tatyana "Code De Dance" , during a photoshoot on a shooting platform in "Barbarian bar" reigned the unusual atmosphere. Here makeup artists, photographers, support groups of contestants united. Between participants there was no competition, on the contrary, all tried to help the friend the friend: together cut jeans, did plaits and encouraged the friend to the friend jokes.


which turned out as a result of work, juries presented to OapPWj2S-iM.jpg competitions.

It was incredibly difficult. All turned out in photos very well. I chose as heart. Those photos where it was succeeded to transfer love of mother and the daughter in couples, subdued me slightly more. Though, honestly I admit, from me bad notes were not, - shared Koretskaya Catherina, the director Main information portal of City Kostroma K1NEWS.RU and the judge competitions.

the Best recognized photos of a family of Davydov and Semenov.

Olga and Diana Davydovy reincarnated in proud Cossacks


Svetlana and Koretskaya Catherina Semenova tried on on herself images of hippie from 60 – x the last century.


2 a place Glushkov' couples, Zevakiny, Balandiny divided, Stoletov and Voloshchenko Karina.

Natalya and Varvara Glushkovy chose by

style hip-hop.


Olga and Uliana Zevakiny gave preference to musicals from the Broadway.


Yuli and Dang Stuolietuowa's

are loved by the Latin American dances.


Titova Tatyana and Elizabeth Balandiny for one day became the real dandies



Koretskaya Catherina and Voloshchenko Karina reincarnated in Indians.


3 Oksana and Sofiye Morozov and their classical ballet got a place.


Not to all participants managed to get rather precisely to one of dancing images of

Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant of the competition Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant of the competition Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant of the competition Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant of the competition Burlesque, Latina, ballet: 13 dancing images embodied on a photoshoot of the participant of the competition

As passed photographings of participants of the project it is possible to look on May 28 in the competition diary on RUSSIA TV channel. For now we offer the small video announcement.

on May 6 in the Creative workshop "Water color" within competitions House will take place an art master class from the well-known artists Kostroma.

on May 27 in philharmonic hall Kostroma Region will take place dancing performance of the children's dancing center "Code De Dance" and a ball for the real princesses.

Sharapina Eugenia
Titova Tatyana
Voloshchenko Karina