In Zauralye sent to a colony of the driver who could not take the wheel the sober

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The exhibition devoted to the 300 anniversary of the Russian police in the State Historical Museum of South Ural. Chelyabinsk, on the point duty, flashing indicator, traffic police, traffic police, GAI three times caught
of the Driver drunk at a wheel. Photo: Akhmetov Vadim © Russian information company "URA.Ru"
the Inhabitant of the working settlement Swan is sentenced by

to real term for driving in an alcohol intoxication. The conviction to it was pronounced by the world judge of a judicial site No. 15 of the Lebyazhyevsky judicial area, is reported on a site of Prosecutor's office of Kurgan region.

the Defendant was already brought by

to administrative responsibility for drunk driving. Later for a similar offense to it appointed punishment in the form of obligatory works for a period of 400 hours, and also deprived of the driving license for two years. Despite it, the man in a month after adjudgement again was caught at a wheel in a state of intoxication.

the World judge appointed by

to the violator punishment in the form of one year and one month of imprisonment is conditional with a trial period for one year and deprivation of the driving license for two years. However Prosecutor's office Lebyazhie district Kurgan region counted a sentence too soft. Court appeal instance satisfied representation of the state accuser and replaced for condemned conditional term with real serving of punishment in a colony settlement where it will go for year and one month.

Dostovalov Stanislas
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