Сотрудники мэрии Биробиджана вышли на праздничный субботник

Уборку городской территории они приурочили к Дню местного самоуправления (ФОТО)...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «EAOmedia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Andrey Pivenko
Main activity:Official
Ian Aleksandrovich Ablov
Last position: First deputy head, chief (Financial administration office mayor's office cities)
Natalia Petrushkova
Last position: Deputy head of social problems, education and culture (Mayor's office goroda)
Dmitry Tarashchuk
Last position: Deputy head (Mayor's office goroda)
Darya Vashchenko
Last position: The adviser to the mayor concerning interaction from media
First-aid station
Mayor's office goroda
Government Agency