Joint General meeting of members SPP OO Saint Petersburg and Regional association of employers "Union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg"

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in State unitary enterprise "Water services company Saint Petersburg" passed on April 19, 2018 joint General meeting of members SPP OO Saint Petersburg and Regional association of employers "The union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg".

before meeting demonstration of the video topic illustrating work of the Union for last year took place.
Meeting were opened and conducted by the president of SPP of SPb Turchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich.

Presidium of General meeting of members of the Union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg:

- Victor Konstantinovich Glukhikh - the honourable president of the International Congress of industrialists and businessmen;

- Lobin Mikhail Aleksandrovich - the first vice-president, director general the Union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg;

- Movchan Sergei Nikolaevich - the vice governor Saint Petersburg;

- Georgy Poltavchenko - the governor Saint Petersburg;

- Turchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich - the president of the Union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg, the president - the general designer JSC "Leninets "-Holding", the member of Civic chamber of SPb;

- Cherepov Victor Mikhaylovich - the Executive vice-president RSPP.

Saint Petersburg Kucheryavy Mikhail Mikhaylovich, the chairman of Committee on industrial policy and innovations Meyksin Maxime Semenovich, the chairman Committee on Science and Higher School Maksimov Andrey , the chairman of Committee on state order Skachkov Igor , the chairman of Committee on tariffs Koptin Igor , the vice-chairman of the commission on the industry, economy and business Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg Ivchenko Boris Pavlovich the vice governor.

the First question of the agenda

"the Report of Presidiums of Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb and ROR SPP SPb about activity April 2017 - April, 2018"

With the report on the first question supported as

the period the president of SPP of SPb Turchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich ( the text of the report ).
Discussion of results of work and plans for the future opened speech of the governor Saint Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko.

Georgy Poltavchenko noted that growth rates of real sector of economy significantly exceed the second year average values over the country. In 2017 the index of industrial productions made 105,5% (on the average across Russian Federation - 101,0%). Industrial output it is shipped for the sum of 2,9 trillion rubles, and profit of the enterprises increased by 11%. In the first quarter of this year the index of the industry showed growth almost for 3%. The enterprises Saint Petersburg provide today 345 thousand workplaces and more than 46% of receipts in budgets of all levels. Average salary in the industry grew up by 10% and exceeded 58 thousand rubles. It is higher, than on the average on the city (54,4 thousand rubles).

According to the Regional agreement of the city, employers and labor unions the minimum salary in Saint Petersburg in 2018 increased to 17 thousand rubles that exceeds the minimum wage rate in Russian Federation twice. Following the results of 2017 the volume of investments in fixed capital of the industrial enterprises made 118,5 billion rubles. Thanks to modernization of existing productions and opening of the innovative enterprises Saint Petersburg headed a federal rating of innovative regions of Russian Federation. 24 investment projects are complete, including opened 8 modern productions, 9 production sites and 7 production lines.

the Governor emphasized that all achievements are a result of system collaboration of Government of Saint Petersburg, industrial community and the profile organizations, and also realization of measures of the state support. The city gives the industry help and assistance in engineering preparation of territories, provides tax privileges, subsidies and loans.

Among the main objectives which need to be solved in the near future, Georgy Poltavchenko called

creation and developments hi-tech productions, cooperation of scientific and production base for implementation of the strategic project of development Arctic, further work on import substitution.

"We had an open and constructive dialogue. We are ready to consider and discuss all your offers on developments real sector of economy", - the governor told.

of Performance:

- Cherepov Victor Mikhaylovich - the Executive vice-president RSPP;

- Borisov Alexander Alekseevich - director general NTFF "Polisang" "Pharmaceutics - innovative production and technological modernization of productions";

- Soloveychik Kirill Aleksandrovich - the president JSC "LENPOLIGRAFMASH", the vice-president of SPP of SPb
of "A national technological initiative: new ideas and regional practicians";

- Tsybukov Sergei Ivanovich - director general JSC <6> NPO Plants on processing of plastic of a name "daily newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda"" "New approaches to the solution of environmental problems" ( presentation );

- Radchenko Valery - the president of Association of the industrial enterprises, the vice-president of the Union of industrialists and businessmen Saint Petersburg.

Also to participants of meeting it was offered to

director generals JSC "Lkkhp Kirova" Zagorskaya Natalia on the question "Development non-oil export" (the text the report and presentation ) will study information.

On completion of the performances containing, including, job evaluation from April 2017 till the April, 2018, ROR SPP SPb and Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb, executive managements of SPP of SPb, General meeting of members of SPP of SPb unanimously recognized it satisfactory.

Taking into account stated during discussion of the report of remarks and offers Meeting the Resolution of General meeting of members of Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb and ROR SPP SPb was accepted.

the Second question of the agenda

"The report of Control audit commissions of Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb and ROR SPP SPb about financial and economic activity for 2017"

made as

the report the chairman of Control audit commission of SPP of SPb, director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "EXCHANGE"SAINT PETERSBURG" Victor Nikolaev.

made the decision to approve the control audit commission report.

admission to membership of Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb and ROR SPP SPb took place Further.

Participants of General meeting accepted the candidates presented by Lobin Mikhail Aleksandrovich, in members of Public organization "Soyuz proizvoditeley i predprinimateley" SPb and ROR SPP SPb.

Lobin Mikhail Aleksandrovich informed members of the Union on the beginning of order taking for participation in the All-Russian competition the 100 best <44> goods <31> Russia programs of 2018.

© Management on interaction with regional and branch associations

Victor Nikolaev
Main activity:Official
Victor Konstantinovich Glukhikh
Last position: Chairman of the board, President of the International union of public associations "International Congress of Industrialists and Businessmen"
Georgy Poltavchenko
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors (JSC USC)
Turchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich
Lobin Mikhail Aleksandrovich