In Irkutsk Region registered 16 more participants of a straw vote "United Russia" Party

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Irkutsk Region , 20.04.18 (information agency "Teleinform"), - At the next meeting of Regional organizing committee ""United Russia" Party " was made on April 17 by the decision to register 16 participants of a straw vote on to elections in Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region the third convocation. The press service of regional office of party reports about it.

the Director LLC "INTEGRAL" Yefremov Roman and director general LLC "SERVER" Mindrulev Yakov are registered by participants of a straw vote on Irkutsk No. 1 to regional group of the regional constituency.

the Individual entrepreneur, the deputy Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region the second convocation Yegorova Anastasia and the chairman of public organization "My Baikal" Nikolaeva Nadezhda are registered by participants of a straw vote on the constituency No. 13.

temporary the unemployed, the party member Khryashchev Nikita is registered on Irkutsk by No. 2 to regional group of the regional constituency. Director general LLC "PROGRESS-SERVIS", the party member Safronov Alexander is registered on the constituency No. 4.<"58>" by

the Director LLC "BROSTER FOOD" Markidonov Anatoly No. 4 to regional group of the regional constituency is registered on Irkutsk. The secretary of Shelekhovsky local office of Party, the director of ecology, labor protection and industrial safety Branch PAO "Integrated company "Rossiysky alyuminy" Bratsk" in Shelekhov Tenigin Aleksey is registered on the constituency No. 8.<"61>" by

the Deputy mayor – the chairman KUOO administration of the Irkutsk city, the member of regional political council of Prelovsky Vladimir is registered by the participant of a straw vote on selective the district No. 2.<"63>"

the Deputy Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region Nesterovich Gennady registered by the participant on the constituency No. 17. The pensioner Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Konchakov Youri is registered by the participant on the constituency No. 3.<"66>"

On the constituency No. 6 participants of a straw vote MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE AGO "ANGARSKY WATER SERVICES COMPANY" by Alekseev Alexander and the deputy director MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE AGO "ANGARSKY WATER SERVICES COMPANY" Dresvyansky Mikhail are registered the director.

the Deputy director LLC "Creative" Trofimov Sergei is registered by

on the constituency No. 18. The deputy Legislative assembly of Irkutsk region Dubrovin Alexander and the head of legal services LLC "TRANSNEFT-OKHRANA" East interregional management of private security Zarubin Wladyslaw are registered by participants of a straw vote on the constituency No. 11.<"73>"

Special attention members of the Organizing committee paid on the candidate Khryashchev Nikita which else is not 21 years old. The chairman of the organizing committee, the secretary of Irkutsk regional office of "United Russia" Party Sergei Brilka explained that at the time of elections to Khryashchev Nikita 21 years, and, so will already be executed it has the full right to become the candidate Oblastnoy parlament from Party if successfully undergoes procedure of a straw vote.

besides, members of the organizing committee made the decision on transferring of terms of debate. Debate will take place during the period from May 15 to May 27 in the territory of all constituencies more than on 60 platforms. Participants of a straw vote will speak improvement of the yards and public spaces, Household management company, quality of life, infrastructure to economy to social policy of the region, and also education, culture, patriotism, environment protection.

Anastasia Yegorova
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee by the legislation on the state construction of area and local government (Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region)
Sergei Brilka
Last position: Member of the committee (Federal Council Committee on Regulations and Organization of Parliamentary Activity)
Yakov Aleksandrovich Mindrulev
Last position: CEO (LLC "SERVER")
Roman Aleksandrovich Yefremov
Last position: Deputy, chairman of the commission of regional parliament on development of the construction industry (Ivanovo city городская Дума)
Nikolaeva Nadezhda