Omsk needs 118 road signs "Other dangers"

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Omsk needs 118 road signs

B cancelled 2018 auctions on delivery road signs for city roads. PUBLICLY FUNDED INSTITUTION OF THE OMSK CITY "TRANSSIGNAL" acted as the customer.


In requirements on a site of government purchases it was specified that the supplier will have to provide 118 road signs under the name "Other Dangers", 114 signs "Zone with Parking Restrictions", 46 — "The preliminary index of evolution on other carriageway", and also such, as: "Stop the line", "Works the wrecker", "Crosswalk", "The stop is forbidden", "Movement is forbidden".

32 two product names the customer was ready to pay

1,1 million rubles for Only delivery, reports "Superomsk" .

the description of object of purchases contained incomplete information therefore lot cancelled. Most likely, auctions will be declared again after updating of documentation.

