"Demchenko Albert beat trainers, we are afraid". Revolt in the sled national team Russian Federation after Demchenko Olimpiada

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Fedorov Stepan during performances at Winter Olympic Games 2018. Photo: © RIA Novosti news agency / Astapkovich Vladimir

In the Russian luge a lawlessness became norm of life. Layf talked to the veteran combined Russian Federation Fedorov Stepan, become to the second among Russians at Demchenko Olimpiada-2018, and learned how the Russian trainers worked during it for rivals. Demchenko Albert disturbs the wards and sometimes pours powder on the route, at best — ignores.

Luge to Russian Federation associated long decades with Demchenko Albert. The legendary athlete from Chusovy performed at seven Olympic Games, took silver in Vancouver, then in Sochi. Mass media made to it an image of the hero self-educated person, nights doing to sledge in the garage to blood callosities on hands for lack of support and financings.

the Latest events in our sledge show that there is also a reverse of the medal of these "garage" feats. And later one Olympic cycle after the beginning of work of Demchenko Albert in it practically all are incited by the trainer of the national team against the mentor. And bases for this purpose the extremely powerful. Last week the world champion of 2015 Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko told about how brothers Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko (in the national team his brother Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko works also) poured powder on the route before its descent, and also shared fears for the life.

Layf contacted the veteran combined Russian Federation — 30-year-old Fedorov Stepan who at the last Demchenko Olimpiada became the second among Russians. He told us the story of difficult relationship with Demchenko Albert. Also provided documentary proofs of that at Demchenko Olimpiada the Russian trainers prepared sledge for rivals — ignoring the wards. By words Fedorov Stepan, now almost all structure combined Russian Federation signed the letter to the president of federation Gart Natalia and to the sports Ministry with a request to discharge Demchenko Albert of work in the national team. After charges Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko instead of discussion about possible resignation the management of federation and Demchenko Albert for some reason, on the contrary, bristled up. Pier, words of the athlete — slander, nonsense. Well, if it is not enough words of one person, here the story of one more member of the national team acting in it still from Demchenko Olimpiada in Vancouver.

 <p> Demchenko Albert and Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko. Photo: ©RIA / Mokrushin Mikhail </p>

tells News to

Demchenko Albert

— Consider this interview by the address to the head of our federation Gart Natalia . In the national team Russian Federation is created a lawlessness, and the majority of athletes does not want to work with brothers Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko and Demchenko Albert. Gart Natalia — the judicious woman if it understands a situation, will understand that our national team as it stands cannot exist.

— A few days ago rigid interview Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko gave

, it lifted a wave of various statements, including heads of federation. Nobody communicated with you, did not try to learn your point of view?

— No, anybody did not call me. I only need to confirm words Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko, and I can tell many other things. That Demchenko Albert after the story Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko there tells something about slander — a complete nonsense.

— you too told about problems in team right after Demchenko Olimpiada. In what your claims?

— Yes, after the fourth arrival I told at once that it is necessary to disperse this federation. Well and what as a result? At once gave the ticket home and sent from Demchenko Olimpiada on the same day. Me did not try to ask why I so made. Such sharp reaction speaks about something. In general, I meant not the president of federation Gart Natalia , and Demchenko Albert. Demchenko Albert slanders on us, tells Gart Natalia about us a lot of lie.

— That in general was created at Demchenko Olimpiada?

— 90% of the national team do not want to work with it, there is no mutual understanding. On a course of a season Demchenko Albert constantly repeated:" All of you are morons, understand nothing". When we went on Demchenko Olimpiada, already knew that I will have no result. Demchenko's Demchenko Alexandra did not adjust to me at Demchenko Olimpiada, never on a course of a season finished though luge — technical, at us everything is tied on it. I asked — zero emotions. Result — deplorable (Repilov occupied with Repilov Roman the 8th place, Fedorov Stepan — the 13th, Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko — the 14th. — the Comment of Layf).

"At Demchenko Olimpiada in our workshop are done by sledge to the rival. It as in general?"

— One more history from the championship Europe, in general wild. In 10 days prior to Demchenko Olimpiada brothers Demchenko Alexandra for some reason prepared sledge for the athlete from other national team, to the Slovak Ninis Joseph! The same took place and at Winter Olympic Games 2018. I asked them to make many times corrections of my sledge, and anything, and it was done by all. Here and how to me after that not to think, what for Demchenko Alexandra — it is simple business, money? Demchenko Alexandra ministerial what you in general dispose of them?

So also rejoices for the Slovak Demchenko Albert so that to ours and did not dream. At our mistakes it shouts for pleasure, and on mistakes Ninis Joseph use foul language. That as a result in the championship Europe in sprint came the second. On ministerial sledge which last year ours rode Gorbatsevich Alexander. It is simple disrespect — any more to us, and to the state.

 <p> Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko (at the left) and Ninis Joseph prepare for <p> sledge during Demchenko Olimpiada. Photo: © L! FE </p>

For the last five years in completion team for sledge became only for Demchenko Albert Demchenko Victoria and Repilov Roman, more to anybody is absolute, even to Ivanova Tatyana, to the leader of the national team.

— At you was opportunity to leave from Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko, to complain in federation, the ministry?

— the Purpose was — the Olympic Games, Demchenko Olimpiada therefore I kept silent were necessary to me. After it — please, we will understand. And to understand is with what. It there now started being covered supposedly results in four years good, medals in the championship Europe. Yes this season — the most failure!

— you found Demchenko Albert still the partner in the national team. When these problems began?

— Yes with it all life of a problem. Brothers Demchenko Victoria as trainers — one big mistake in luge. Constantly conflicts. When Demchenko Albert acted, all worked for him. I, Kneyb Victor, the others were for mass meeting, it is unfair. Now, if we start everything working together for Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko, it the Olympic champion becomes, at it in 1000 of times the class is higher, than at Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko.

Ya I ride sledge of 2013 which it did to itself(himself) on Demchenko Olimpiada to Sochi. I remember how Demchenko Victoria as soon as came the trainer, at once to me them gave. Simply it at the first World Cup stage on them failed, took the seventh place and at once them threw out. And then to me gave and told:" Yes I on them won Demchenko Olimpiada

"I too am afraid of

for the life, as well as Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko"

— Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko told that Demchenko Victoria with the brother poured powder before its journey in the championship Russian Federation 2016. Truth?

— I even will tell you more. Here Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko told that is afraid for the life, I too am afraid for the. About powder, believe, all know. I do not know, whether Gart Natalia but if Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko does such without it, it twice nasty is aware about it. But that case — not single.

the eyes saw how it scattered powder in the World Cup, not Russian Federation. In Kenigzey. Female sprint race. I rise, and these brothers chose a place where chambers do not see them — and after the first bend of female start scatter powder, personally saw. I think, and they saw me. White substance — that it was... not ice shattered, and any salt or chemicals.

Before the same championship Russian Federation in which there was an incident to powder, was too scandal. Before tournament Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko all brings together and speaks:" Hand over fighting sledge. On the fighting Demchenko Victoria go only, at it is not present training". Also neighs. Everything becomes to beat Ivanova Tatyana, our best sanochnitsa. Believe, this pure lies — at the daughter Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko is sledge for every taste.

 <p> Demchenko Victoria and Ivanova Tatyana. Photo: ©RIA / Zotina Nina </p>

And it did not work News. Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko on the training manages to win at Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko who participated in that championship. Well and what these chemists do? The brother transfer, and he pours powder on the route. It not nonsense. Demchenko Albert arrives meanly, and all this know. That championship in general wanted to cancel, but business hushed up.

"We undersigned for old sledge as for new"

— it is possible, business is simple in the competition of various producers of sledge? Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko does sledge of Bailiffs, and there are Demchenko Victoria which moves the product.

— Money here, maybe, also are mixed, but I do not know, whether the word "competition" is applicable here... My trainer somehow approached to Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko — a pier, Fedorov Stepan it is necessary to finish sledge, and he answered her requests: "Yes you can only bolts buy from me on the 100 thousand!" And they in the market of 200 rubles cost. The head coach it became in 2015 though, in fact, started directing in the 2014th. Before Sochi it made to itself(himself) some sledge, money were allocated to it. Since then any sledge did not make, but all those old gave us. And we undersigned for ministerial papers, what to us provided sledge, but these are all its old models, understand? Ivanova Tatyana all this time ride its old sledge of 2014. It in general reported for it? In 2016 to me it made a sanka, it did not approach, there were some malfunctions. And then for it in a year already Stepichev undersigns. How to you such?

— Tried to complain to the president of federation?

— About Gart Natalia talked, without results. Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko, the trainer discussed behavior. The person fulfilled at plant the mechanic, now him train in honored trainers. It that for nonsense? You come, bring up the, and brothers have that the concept — "we lead up, and you bring up". How many young they merged — it is inconceivable. Well and Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko at us in general the good fellow, watched an uglyarka until recently in Chusovy, and now him in honored trainers train. At the expense of us and our trainers.

"Before Demchenko Olimpiada to Sochi Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko beat the trainer. He is the terrible person"

— That occurs in the national team now? You are going to continue fight?

— We now signed paper that we against further work in team of brothers Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko. Only 17 people. Ivanova Tatyana, Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko... Open the list of our national team at Demchenko Olimpiada, almost everything there.

Why we are afraid of

Demchenko Victoria? There was a history as it beat the head coach of the national team Vasin. It was on collecting during the Olympic season Sochi. Vasin told something to him, and Demchenko Albert hit on a face and tumbled down on the earth. Many people saw it. That is all understand that it is the terrible person.

— Threats were?

— Me direct threats were not, but brothers constantly put psychological pressure upon young children, impudently talk. Thus that Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko — rukozhop it is simple! Worked as the mechanic at plant in Chusovy, and now it tightened in the national team and it such star! Horse-radish it on Demchenko Olimpiada would take if not the brother, he at all did not know, in what party there bends, on what trajectory to go.

— did not think of replacing nationality? If it does not turn out to change something in our national team?

— Frankly speaking, did not reflect, it is not necessary to me, I want to develop houses, in the region, in Russian Federation. Anything good from this it will not turn out. And in principle — selection in the national team is, take place — you in it. But... Here Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko, maybe, also should have thought, he is the talented athlete, it has all ahead.

— you did not try to discuss all this situation With Repilov Roman

— On the contrary, we try not to talk to it about Demchenko Albert. We perfectly communicate with Repilov Roman though to him all Demchenko's Demchenko Olimpiada scribbled messages — do not talk to them. When it went the third, we specially departed from Repilov Roman not to force down it. I think, he simply hostage of a situation, as well as Demchenko Victoria, after all it is his daughter. But all have to understand — with brothers Oleg Fedorovich Demchenko the future at luge to Russian Federation is not present.

Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko
Last position: The professional athlete on luge
Roman Aleksandrovich Repilov
Albert Mikhaylovich Demchenko
Main activity:Athlete
Stepan Fyodorov
Last position: The professional athlete on luge
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