In Shelkovskaya district Chechen Republic start the republican games "Cossack Entertainments"

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Tomorrow, on April 15, in the station Novoshchedrinskaya of the Shelkovsky municipal region of ChR I-e start the republican Cossack games "Cossack Entertainments". Organizers of games are Ministry Chechen Republic for youth, Administration of the municipal district of Shelkovsk of the Chechen Republic and ChROO "Patriots of Chechnya".

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Within games participants will compete on the following disciplines: "Well", "Armwrestling", "Log" (log transfer by all command from the initial point to final), "Yoke" (transfer of two buckets with the water, fixed on a yoke, from one point in another), "Stone", run on the Cossack verst (1067 m) among young men, dumbbell lifting (50 kg. ) "Taban-Tures" (a pulling of each other the general stick through an obstacle), rope pulling, competition "Pages of history of the Cossacks", fisticuffs, kettlebell sports and volleyball.

teams can participate In games in number of 6 people. Following the results of all competitions the winner and prize-winners who are waited by awards and gifts from organizers will be defined.