At exhibitions Platonovfest pictures from the earth and work will show Pirosmani Niko

@Moe Online (Voronezh)
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past week the management of the Platonovsky festival declared the program of visual art. In days of a festival, from June 6 to June 17, in Voronezh will open six exhibitions. And everyone is noteworthy. To Platonovfest will bring a collection of works of the French artist Fernand Leger, the photo of the avant-gardist Rodchenko Alexander, works of the Georgian painter Pirosmani Niko and other eminent artists. The part of expositions will work for free.

"Fernand Leger. Present poetics"

the Museum of a name of Kramsky (Revolyutsii Ave, 18)
on June 6 – on July 29

Fernand Leger (1881-1955) – one of the most known artists of the XX century. Along with Pikasso Pablo it stood at the origins of a cubism. Leger equally brightly proved in painting and graphics, him the sculpture, ceramics, a stained-glass window and a lane interested. More than 50 works of the artist executed in different genres, will bring from meeting the State GMII named after A. S. Pushkina.

Fernand Leger. "Builders"

the Basis of future exposition will make Fernand Leger's painting of the end the 1940th – the beginnings of the 1950th years. During this period the picturesque manner of the artist as much as possible becomes simpler, finds almost poster clarity and confidence. Leger worked also in printing graphics though it makes small part of his extensive heritage. In different years he created projects of carpets and lanes. He sought to change art and to make the work available to all. Therefore, as well as Pikasso Pablo, worked with ceramics. At exhibition it will be possible to see some samples of the faience plates created by it in the 1960th years at the ceramic enterprise in Salen-le-bin in Region of Franche-Comte. Exhibition will be added by two tactile models for blind and visually impaired people based on Fernand Leger's decorative reliefs.

"The industrial world eyes Rodchenko Alexander"

the Museum of a name of Kramsky (Revolyutsii Ave, 18) on June 6 – on July 1

At exhibition will be presented to

of more than 70 photos Rodchenko Alexander, made in the 1920th years, from the Multimedia collection Arth Muzeya. Rodchenko Alexander (1891-1956) stood at the origins of the Russian vanguard, he was engaged in painting, a sculpture, theater and architecture. Its posters and collages set new standards of design and advertizing in the USSR. Besides, he was the outstanding photographer and still is a symbol of the Soviet photo.

Rodchenko Alexander. Shukhovsky tower

Rodchenko Alexander started being engaged in the photo in 1924. In the late twenties it published the experimental rakursny pictures in magazines "Soviet Cinema" and "New LEF", removed the first photo reports for the Soviet magazines. It showed the world new Moscow, assembly of cars, generators on power plants, productions electric bulbs. He believed that the future – behind the industrial world.

"Theatre Kochergin Edouard. Dostoevsky Fedor, Tolstoy Leo, Chekhov Anton"

the Gallery of Chamber theater (Karl Marx St., 55a) on June 7 – on July 1

At the Platonovsky festival will be presented to

an unusual exhibition the theatrical artist Kochergin Edouard – his scenography connected with creativity of the Russian classics: Dostoevsky Fedor, Tolstoy Leo, Chekhov Anton. Sketches and models will bring to theatrical performances of different years from collections of the Theatrical museum of a name of Bakhrushin, the Museum of theatrical and musical art, the Literary and memorial museum Dostoevsky Fedor, the museums of the Moscow Art Theatre, Bolshoi Drama Theater, Maly Drama Theatre. Audience will be able to see the work of the artist placed in a context of performance, models and photos will be presented to expositions from performances – as stage settings, so close ups of actors.

Kochergin Edouard. The model to the performance "History of a Horse"

Kochergin Edouard (was born in 1937) – the outstanding theatrical artist, since 1972 is the art director of BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova. Issued more than 200 performances to Russian Federation and abroad – at theaters of Finland, Poland, Hungary, France, Germany, United States of America, Canada, Japan. Worked with many outstanding theatrical directors, among which – Tovstonogov Georgy, Efros Anatoly, Lyubimov Youri, Ginkas Kama, Yanovskaya Henrietta, Dodin Leo and others.


the House of the Governor Art center (Revolyutsii Ave, 22)
on June 7 - 17

the Moscow artist Larionov Mikhail Roshnyak will present in Voronezh pictures and art objects,


executed by the earth. On their creation he was inspired by creativity Platonov Andrey. Using an unusual material, the artist tries to find meaning of the life and to work with a subject of overcoming of death. Pictures of the author open sacrament of existence of the person who all life digs a ditch in hope for achievement of notorious happiness, without noticing as life passes by it and the ditch turns into a grave of unfulfilled dreams.

Larionov Mikhail Roshnyak. Put

Larionov Mikhail Roshnyak – one of the most known modern Russian artists. Participant more than one hundred group exhibitions and 15 personal. Its works were exposed to Russian Federation, Switzerland, France and other countries. From 2011 to 2016 Roshnyak was the curator and the participant of the Moscow biennial of the modern art.

"Naivety … but: Pirosmani Niko and company! "


Showroom on Kirov, 8
on June 8 – on July 1

Grant, exhibition "Naivety … but: Pirosmani Niko and company! " - one of the most sign expositions of a festival of this year. State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky museum of contemporary art" (MMOMA) will bring works of the known Georgian artist to Voronezh and works of authors, whose creativity to it is conformable.

Pirosmani Niko (1862-1918) – the artist self-educated person, one of the brightest representatives of naive art, whose creativity inspired many avant-gardists. MMOMA belongs one of the largest collections Pirosmani Niko which considerable part will be presented on Platonovfesta.

Pirosmani Niko. Company, come!

Vystavka it is urged to accent a common ground of professional art and amateur creativity. "Company" Pirosmani Niko at exhibition will make Russo Anri, Leonov Pawel, Medvedeva Catherina, Zaznobin Vladimir, Volkova Helena. And the "professional" part of an exposition will include works of classics of domestic vanguard: Larionov Mikhail, Goncharova Natalia, Tatlin Vladimir, Burlyuk Davide, Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma, works of artists of generation of the 1980th, and also the representatives of the actual direction who have declared on a domestic art scene in the 1990-2000th years.

"Different trains. The French modern dance to Russian Federation"

Opera and ballet theater (Lenin Square, 7)
on June 8-16

B 2017 executed 25 years since the French modern dance appeared on the Russian scene. All these years modern dance was in a lens of the photographer Tatlin Vladimir Lupovsky. The French institute to Russian Federation suggested the known photographer to create exhibition from his unique archives and to show it at the Russian festivals.

Tatlin Vladimir Lupovsky

Vystavka consisting of 50 photos, gives an idea of performances of the best French choreographers. For example, Angelin Preljocaj which two performances will be shown this year at the Platonovsky festival. Audience will see an impressive panorama of the French modern dance to Russian Federation for the last quarter of the century.

Catherina Medvedev
Last position: Artist
Leo Abramovich Dodin
Last position: Director, artistic director (Academic Small drama theater Theatre of Europe)
Henrietta Yanovskaya
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Mtyuz")
Pirosmani Niko
Rodchenko Alexander