The Tambov municipal duma published lists of the deputy shirkers

@Novyj Tambov
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Municipal duma
Municipal duma

the Tambov municipal duma published an appearance of deputies following the results of March meetings. From "the attendance diary" follows that at the last 29th meeting from 34 deputies there were no 9 people.

It is members of ER Andrey Gritsienko, Lukin Eugenie, Pavlov Igor, Safonov Oleg, Tolstykh Dimitri and Alexander Aleksandrovich Chervyakov, the liberal democrat Gennady Arzamastsev, the representative of Communist Party of the Russian Federation Maxime Mikhaylovich Zhalnin and non-party Aleksey Kudachkin. The reason for which parliamentarians passed meetings, is not specified.

decided to Watch an appearance of deputies in municipal duma in November of last year when because of one of the parliamentarians, suddenly left a hall, meeting of State Duma Committee was broken. New rules of attendance came into force since April 1 of this year.

Nazarova Violetta

Andrey Gritsienko
Last position: Deputy of the Tambov City Council of the sixth convocation
Maxime Mikhaylovich Zhalnin
Last position: Deputy (Tambov City Council)
Alexander Aleksandrovich Chervyakov
Last position: Deputy, assistant to the deputy (TAMBOV CITY CITY COUNCIL OF THE TAMBOV REGION)
Gennady Arzamastsev
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Kudachkin
Last position: Director general of JSC Stroytekhnolog
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, communism, Marxism-Leninism, anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, patriotism.