To Italy at parties it is impossible to agree about creation of ruling coalition

@Parlamentskaja gazeta
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PHOTO: PIXABAY.COM B Italy very few people believes that the second round of political consultations beginning on Thursday, carried out by the president Serdzho Matterella for the purpose of clarification of opportunities for government formation, will yield positive result. The reason for that, local observers, the conditions which are laid down by applicants for the management of the country from among formal winners of political elections on March 4 who do not allow to create between them the coalition, capable to provide the necessary majority in parliament note...
Luigi Di Maio
Main activity:Politician
Silvio Berlusconi
Main activity:Politician
Pier Luigi Bersani
Main activity:Politician
Matteo Salvini
Last position: Federal secretary (Liga Severa)
"Forza Italia"
Political ideology:Conservatism, conservative liberalism, Christian democracy, right populism.
Bratya Italy
Political ideology:Italian nationalism, national conservatism, Euroscepticism.
Political ideology:Populism, Euroscepticism, electronic democracy, envayronmentalizm, direct democracy