Prosecutor's office apologized before the farmer - "spy" on the business which has surprised Vladimir Putin

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The prosecutor's office apologized before the farmer -

Prosecutor's office Lebyazhie district Kurgan region to Kurgan Region apologized before Yevgeniy Vasilyev for charges of device purchase to watch a calf.

the Native of the village of the Shovel in Lebyazhie district Kurgan Region Yevgeniy Vasilyev became Russian Federation. And all because of a GPS tracker which ordered in China for Zhdanki's calf. Went to mail to receive, and here he was detained by the staff of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Accused of illegal acquisition of "the espionage equipment".

So 39-year-old Yevgeniy Vasilyev, the father of four children, became "spy". Tried to prove that for Zhdanki-kormilitsy that it was not lost, and that is difficult for a large family without economy, but unsuccessfully. Thanks to journalists. On December 14, 2017 on annual press conferences President of the Russian Federation journalists told about this case to Vladimir Putin. First the president did not understand, for what Yevgeniy Vasilyev punish? Then was surprised and promised to understand.

- When I heard reaction of the president, my lump approached to a throat. I do not know how to describe this state. From this point I understood: the country big, great and everything in this country is possible. If the president can interfere with history of the simple person, like respect for the president — Yevgeniy Vasilyev told Russian information company "URA.Ru".

On the same day the Committee of inquiry closed criminal case. And today it became known from the editor-in-chief of RT Simonyan Margaret that Prosecutor's office Lebyazhie district Kurgan region apologized Yevgeniy Vasilyev. In the address signed by the prosecutor of the area by Yefimov Aleksey, Yevgeniy Vasilyev bring an official apology on behalf of the state for unreasonable criminal prosecution. In the message it is noted that the farmer can appeal to court, demanding compensation of harm and restoration in the rights, including monetary compensation.