At once 14 villages in Shchyokino district remained without transport connection

@GTRK Vesti-Tula
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14 villages in Shchyokino district remained At once without transport connection Yermolaeva Paulina

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Products on a tractor is an initiative of local farmers who are not by hearsay familiar any more with this annual trouble in the village of Nikolsk Shchyokino district. The bridge through Unitary enterprise before the settlement managed to avoid only the last two years flooding on a happy deal of the nature. This season in an exception did not become.

As were told by the deputy head of administration Shchyokino district Rozhkov Aleksey, "… the special equipment is sent to the area of flooding, ambulance and police watch" is organized.

Near the bridge are on duty the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with PTS – huge all-terrain vehicle which can transport for time 28 people, or one car, the main thing that it possessed rather high landing to climb up means of a crossing. While it is the only binding thread between the village and other territory of area. In five days the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations managed to transport through Unitary enterprise of 367 people and 6 cars. Nikolsky's inhabitants do not remain cut off from the world.

Even prior to flood processes seven hydroposts of the Tula hydrometeocenter for monitoring environment were transferred to a high water mode. 20 water-measuring rulers in territory of municipalities which are affected by a high water were in addition developed. All this time levels of the rivers as of a present situation twice a day were removed.

"A situation develops according to the forecast. Today in the territory of the region of the impounded households is not present. In Kireyevsk district was flooding of personal plots. Now the river recedes", - the deputy chief of head department tells Head department of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and the Relief of Natural Disasters on the Tula region on crisis management Alexey Gordeyev. On the small rivers water already declined

. Upoy continue to watch, but say that today the water level on Nikolsky Bridge decreased by 10 centimeters. And here the largest river of area Oka still continues to gather in itself thawed snow.