The most ridiculous transfer of spring: "Gorodey" the other day signed the legionary, he played 20 minutes – and now him expel

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On Saturday capital "Torpedo" for the first time in 14 years won a victory in the highest league. On FC Minsk avtozavodtsy stadium minimum changed to "Gorodey" – 1:0. The only goal on the 51st minute was scored by Shumilov Igor.

But the observant viewer could notice one more interesting moment in a match. On the 56th minute of Yaromko Sergei decided to replace the Armenian Pogosyan Gukas and let out in the field of the Serbian beginner Yeremich Milan. But something went obviously not so. In twenty minutes Yeremich Milan already was replaced by skilled Parkhachev Dimitri. But also it is replacement did not save "sugar" from defeat.

of Feet. And who in general such this Yeremich Milan?

of This guy "Gorodey" declared literally the other day. 14 years ago his name was well known to the Serbian and European scouts. Yeremich Milan was born in Belgrade and the first football education received at well-known "Tsrvena Zvezda's" school, but then the guy was noticed by Lisbon "Benfika" and it in 16 years went to Portugal. In Lisbon the young Serbian did not get lost. Vinger hammered almost in each match and was one of the best goal-scorers of team. However to play on the Pyrenees at it it did not turn out. Yeremich Milan came back home, played for "Zemun", it is a little for "Tsrvena Zvezda", and the last six seasons spent in the Serbian D2, acting for "Borats" from Čačak, to "Kolubar" from Lazarevac, "Settlement" from Užice and "Dynamo" from Vranje. Here cutting of actions Yeremich Milan.

Well and in 29 years the guy decided on legionary kambek and signed contract with "Gorodeey".

It got at once to the demand for a match with "Torpedo". That was farther, you know.

A after all even before game the dark Serbian looked very vigorously and surely.

- Yaromko Sergei somehow reacted to the return replacement?

- Yes, Yaromko Sergei was extremely dissatisfied with actions of the beginner, told that it was absent last week, in the case of the football player plainly did not see. Kouch even declared that the Serbian more in team will not be.

In words of the trainer some moments were surprising at once. First, as the club signed contract with the elderly legionary who should be replaced in 20 minutes after an exit in the field. And secondly, why the Serbian rejected not on trainings, and in an official match.
That tell

to clear a situation, we called after game to Yaromko Sergei . He in detail commented on a situation.

- I grippoval also was not week on trainings, – Yaromko Sergei speaks. – I temperature had 39,5 degrees. Lay and did not see how the person prepared. Whether I knew about the one whom we sign? Certainly, knew. This person arrived from the one who to us brought both Bashilova, and Dubayich. And comments that I did not know whom we sign is any nonsense. Simply did not see it in business week. Now op grippy.

- And how you will comment on the words what it will not be in team?

- I Think, I will unambiguously refuse it. I do not refuse the words. Everyone in life happens. One business to see the football player in advance according to video, and another – to see it alive. On game from "Torpedo" at me to all there are a lot of questions, but, as for it, I do not see what it can help our team. It is better therefore to leave earlier, than later.

- But after all at it signed contract. You agreed.

- Well and that. And how trainers move away with existing contracts? Let's understand. If we leave, it will be made so civilized that anybody will not show any claims. I understand that to cling to it everything – your bread. But the game is not worth the candle. It after all not Maradona. Me most of all excites that Dubayich returned to a system rather. It spent week to Serbia. On Monday we learn, in what it to a form.

of Any official statements that "Gorodey" leaves Yeremich Milan, it is not made yet.

Shumilov Igor
Yaromko Sergei
Pogosyan Gukas
Yeremich Milan
Parkhachev Dimitri