Aslan Alekseevich Kobakhiya: everything who illegally granted the license for operation of objects, will be punished

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Aslan Kobakhiya: everything who illegally granted the license for operation of objects, will be punished
In the Ministry of Emergency Situations on Press conferences told
about a condition of fire safety in the country.

Sukhumi. April 6. Apsnypress. Kaslandziya Damey. In Ministry po delam grazhdanskoy oborony, to emergency situations and Republic natural disaster response Abkhazia on Press conferences representatives of Ministry po delam grazhdanskoy oborony, to emergency situations and Republic natural disaster response Abkhazia, Cabinet of Republic of Abkhazia, Security council of Republic of Abkhazia, parliamentarians discussed a condition of fire safety in the country and preparation for a summer season. the Minister of an emergency of Abkhazia Leo Konstantinovich Kvitsiniya noted

: "All problems cannot be solved suddenly, it is necessary to work together, together with the country leaders and citizens. Today a situation with many objects very difficult, not only on fire safety, but also on preparation for a summer season. Sanatoria, rest houses, hotels, beaches it is necessary to put in order. The Ministry of Emergency Situations should not correct shortcomings, it is supervisory authority which indicates this or that omission and takes out the instruction on their correction in a certain time. And if instructions are not executed, we impose penalties. But some objects do not react to these penalties. In the country of ten objects which we did not accept, they have no permission to operation, repeatedly oshtrafovyvalis for the sum from 300 to 600 rubles, but they continue to function". the Deputy Prime Minister of Abkhazia Aslan Alekseevich Kobakhiya reported

: "All objects which function illegally, will be closed through court. As for the markets and observance there rules of fire safety … We see, in what state they are if, God forbid, there is a fire, there will be huge losses. These markets – not private, they state, also it is necessary to undertake the fast and centralized measures to correct a situation. People who trade there, pay for rent, and it is necessary to invest these money in safety object. Soon we will hold meeting at the level of the Government with participation of all representatives of the entertaining centers, large rest houses and other objects. We will speak very seriously, it is not allowed to risk lives of people. It is necessary to be prepared very well for a resort season". the Secretary Security council of Republic of Abkhazia Muhammad Setbievich Kilba declared

: "The Ministry of Emergency Situations is department which is highly organized and is professional. Let's speak openly, some people who build objects, obtain licenses without the knowledge of appropriate services and without uniform document. Unfortunately, such cases are. And our main task – to analyse such facts and to decide that with them to do under the law".

thus, Aslan Alekseevich Kobakhiya instructed to prepare the list of all unlicensed objects: "I pledge the word that everything who illegally granted licenses, will be punished. Local officials give the license, and we will find on them a justice. All objects will be checked "from" and "to".